reopening briefly / CFCU

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alrighty since the vast majority of my exams are over (thank god for that) i'm reopening requests briefly!

the reason why i'm making a new chapter and getting you guys to order here instead of in the main requests chapter is just because i'm only going to take book cover requests and there are SOME rule changes for this 'batch' only.


as of 15.11.19, i'm closing for catch-up! the queue's already starting to build up so i'm closing temporarily again until i've finished most, if not all, of these requests as so to not fall too far behind.

all current pending requests may still be accepted! it's just no new requests right now sorry :/

+ no shop-hopping

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+ no shop-hopping

+ if you wanna cancel for any reason whatsoever, let me know asap

+ give credit!!! most preferably in the description of your story if you use the cover ("cover made by @wifidisconnected" or smth along those lines)

+ password is your favourite word spelt backwards & include in other section of form

+ if you have any links to specific (good quality) images or inspiration images, please include them! it helps SO much

+ i'll try as much as possible to do first come, first serve BUT if i'm really struggling with inspiration, i might put your request on hold and work on the next one

+ i'll try as much as possible to do first come, first serve BUT if i'm really struggling with inspiration, i might put your request on hold and work on the next one

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title* ; self-explanatory

author name* ; also self-explanatory

subtitle ; optional, if i feel it's going to crowd/ruin the cover, there's a chance i won't include this

genre* ; can put more than one, if applicable

short summary* ; doesn't need to be your entire blurb, just to give me an idea of what your story is about

preferred style* ; can put more than one (see menu, payment and styles chapter for available styles)

ideas* (at least two) ; any compositional choices, objects, textures, lighting/colours you would want on the cover. be specific!! it really helps but keep in mind i might not stick to all of your ideas 100%

mood* ; general feel/mood/vibez you want the cover to be/give off

cast/faceclaim* (optional for non-model covers) ; any celebrity/person with good quality pictures you want on the cover

other ; any other stuff you wanna let me know!

[ PAYMENT / credit in story description ]

a follow/feedback on my stuff would be much appreciated but 100% optional!

might use this, might not / just a queue to help me keep track of stuff if needed and for you guys to see where you are!

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might use this, might not / just a queue to help me keep track of stuff if needed and for you guys to see where you are!

1 /  ekuivalent

2 / letsjam8

3 / 

bliss bakery ; graphics.Where stories live. Discover now