book cover / insanely in love

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↝ book cover

date ; 4th August 2017

for ; InsufferableKnowItAl

expiration date ; 18th August 2017

a/n ; yoo the layout is pretty simple really and i tried getting it similar to the inspo cover you gave me but eh my 'remakes' always turn out different than expected xd

it's also my first time using gaussian blurred text on ps so wow it looks super cool and pretty as well so hey i should use it more often. i also added the red tinge and lighting myself lmao so i'm pretty happy with how that turned out.

hope you like it and if you want it, please don't forget the payment!

hope you like it and if you want it, please don't forget the payment!

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↝ receipt

+ insanely in love ; book cover ; add this book to a public reading list, dedication and credit in story description

if you want the graphic/s, please complete the payment listed in the receipt first. once you have finished, PM ( private message ) me and i will provide you a link to the full version before the expiration date.

if you want some changes to the graphic/s, please inform me and i will redo it for a maximum number of two times.

if you do not want the graphic/s, i will not be offended. please inform me ASAP and i will put the graphic/s up as part of the buffet.

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