I'm A Good Girl

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Thursday April 3rd, 2025

9:45 AM

Samantha Pauly and Matt Sheehan sat in the counselor's office with their daughter's Ellanie and Elora. "What exactly happened?" Sam asked, watching her daughter twiddle her thumbs. Dr. Johnson looked away from her computer, pushing her glasses higher.

"Well, the girls were pulled out of class for talking to and trying to touch and let the boys touch them inappropriately," she said. Sam glanced at her kid confused.

"What do you mean inappropriately?" She asked. As far as she was concerned, her kids weren't exposed to anything inappropriate for their age.

"A teacher saw Ellanie, telling one of the boys to put his hands in her back pockets. And Elora was quote, "letting her classmate hug her from behind" end quote," she read from the report that was filed. Sam could see the second one. She and Matt did that at parties or get togethers when Sam would start to feel anxious or drunk.

"Girls," Sam called side-eyeing her children.

"What? They are our boyfriends," Ellanie said. Matt almost choked on the idea of his almost six-year-olds having "boyfriends" literally last week they were playing with Barbie's.

"Boyfriends?" Sam scoffed. "Girls, we don't touch people. Like, at all. And we don't have boyfriends. We have friends that are boys, but not boyfriends. Those are big responsibilities that you two are not ready for," Sam said. Matt, still trying to wrap his head around everything, moved to the counselor.

"What about the boys? We're their parents called?" He asked. Sam slowly looked away from his girls, interested in that answer.

"Oh don't worry. I am meeting with the boy's parents right after you all. We do not condone this on either side." Dr. Johnson assured. Sam took a deep breath, feeling an overwhelming sense of tiredness.

"What do we do from here?" Matt asked. The counselor explained that the girls would be kept in the same class and boys would be moved. For once things weren't falling on only the girls.

12:05 PM

Sam finally came into the studio to see her friends sitting around at the beginning of their break. "Hey guys!" Sam called, setting her bag and jacket down with the others.

"Are you okay?" Abby asked, scooting over a bit. Sam took a seat between Abby and Andrea.

"Yeah, honey you look flushed," Andrea said, pulling Sam onto her shoulder. Sam shook her head.

"Guys, I don't know why, but I'm so tired. Like exhausted. I'm too tired to even eat," Sam muttered. Courtney pursed her lips together.

"If I didn't know better, I would think you were pregnant," Courtney said. Sam sat up with a quickness.

"No! And don't get me started because your son is going around telling people you and Trey are trying for a baby!" Sam yelled. Courtney immediately shielded her face as everyone cracked up. "I know for a fact I'm not pregnant," Sam declared.

"I don't know, friend. Apparently, that little procedure can reverse itself," Britt said. Sam's face went blank.

"It can do what?" Sam asked, ready to riot. No one told her that when she and Matt talked about the idea of him getting a vasectomy.

"Oop! Are we getting our sixth SIX baby?" Britt asked, excitedly. Sam rolled her eyes.

"How is it that I have three-,"

"Four," Abby said under her breath causing Adrianna, on her left, to chuckle.

"Three," Sam exclaimed, "out of the six, SIX babies? It's truly unfair," she sulked back in her chair.

"I'm going to the store," Anna said. "You want me to pick up a..." Anna smirked. All eyes went to Sam. Everyone quietly starred as Sam shrank into herself.

"Yes," she sheepishly answered, causing an eruption of cheers. Sam got up from the table and headed to the bathroom. Her chest was tight, breathing shallow. There was no escape.

2:34 PM

Matt opened the window as Jill came into his office. "Hey, Matty Boy! We still on for tonight? The wife can't wait," Jill smiled. Matt nodded.

"Sam's going to be tired, but I know she can't wait. We haven't had people over in a while," Matt said. Jill lit a joint and took a drag before handing it off of her friend. "Jill, you know I can't do this. Sam hates when I smoke. And I'm trying to get lucky tonight," he declined. Jill took another hit.

"Where are the kids going to be tonight?" She asked, knowing that Nina had gotten her brother to watch the baby for the night.

"They are going up to her sister's place. She's keeping them for the weekend," Matt said, pulling up some files to print for his boss. "Today, I found out my daughters have boyfriend's," Matt said, running his hand over his face.

"They're five," Jill chuckled.

"That's what I said!" Matt exaggerated, throwing his hands up. "They are getting too old! You, know Ellanie doesn't even let me hold her anymore. And Elora doesn't call me Daddy anymore. It's just Dad. But Sam gets mommy, and she can hold them. I'm jealous, but it's fine," Matt chuckled. Jill looked at her watch and put out her joint.

"It's meeting time! Let's go!" She said, spraying herself with Matt's cologne and headed out with her colleague hot on her heels.

5:47 PM

"The only thing you wanna do is..." Sam finished. Before she could even put her mic back, the actress dropped the mic and ran to the trash can, throwing up. She was stressed and tired. She hadn't taken the test yet, but she was stressed with the slightest notion that it could be positive.

"Let's take five," Roberta said. Sam placed her hands on her hips and walked to her bag, dropping next to it. She chugged the last of her water bottle and shut her eyes. A cramp hit her stomach, and she was out of the room. Sprinting to the bathroom, Sam made it into the stall just in time.

"Samansa," a small voice called. Sam flushed the toilet and got up. It was Anna, holding a water bottle and a test. "Take the test. You need to know. Before the run starts," she said. Sam took the test and shut the door.

9:46 PM

Sam stood in her kitchen cooking dinner for her husband and his friend. She was finishing up, but the smell of the meat was messing with her. "Hey," Nina smiled, coming into the small kitchen and washing some of the dishes. "You need some help?" She rhetorically asked.

"Oh no," Sam smiled. "You go. Relax. I've got this," she said. Sam couldn't accept help easily.

"Girl, please," Nina smiled. The two started to cook and clean, talking about the nothings of being a mom.

"Nina, I'll be right back, can you watch this?" She asked. Nina nodded as Sam walked out and quietly headed to the back. Shutting the door to her bedroom, Sam took a deep breath and dropped onto the bed. "I'm going to kill daddy,"


Three floors up, Gene sat on the guest bed where her sister's daughters were trying to sleep. "Elora," Gene whispered. The whimpering child jerked in her sleep. "Ella," Gene said again. The five year old jumped up in her sleep.

"I'll never do it again! I promise! I'll be good!"

To Be Continued.

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