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Three Months Later
(Sam is 32 Weeks )

Friday September 19th 2025

3:36 AM

A lone light lit the fully decorated bathroom of Sam and Matt's bedroom. A strong ache kept Samantha up for the third night in a row. Braxton-hicks had taken over her body the last few weeks and she was tired. "Sam!" Matt groggily called, getting out of bed. Hunched over the counter, Sam rocked back and forth with one arm on the counter and the other on her bump. "Is it worse?" Matt asked, glancing back into their room where a bassinet was set up next to their bed.

"It's just..." Sam trailed off, the pain lessening but not fully going away. "Your son can't decide if he wants to come or stay," she muttered, standing up. Matt grabbed his wife's arm and walked her back to their bed where Dale was still fast asleep.

"Just relax. We only have 6 weeks left," Matt said. Sam skin back in the bed and pulled the covers over her body.

"I'm trying, but it's like every time I move, my pelvis is either on fire or my stomach is tight. I have no appetite, but I'm hungry all of the time. And I know I'm drinking water, but here I am still dehydrated. Your child is wrecking my body," the very pregnant actress sighed.

"Why do you refuse to call our son by his name?" Matt asked, sliding in on his side. Sam smirked.

"I want to keep it a surprise. And you never know who's listening," she smirked, diving lower into the covers. A chuckle came from Matt as he settled back into his slumber.


Down the hall, Elora sat up in her bed, sweating from her third consecutive night terror. Quickly, the five year old ran from her bed, out of her door, and across the bathroom to her sister's room. "Ella," she mumbled. The younger Sheehan twin rolled over in her bed, and sat up.

"What are you doing, Lo?" Ella asked, watching her sister crawl into her new bed.

"I had a bad dream," she whispered. Ella groaned, scooting over. Since the nightmares started, Ellanie hasn't had her own bed for a full night, yet.

"Go tell mommy," she said. Elora shook her head.

"Mommy doesn't feel good. I don't want her to get mad at me," Elora said. Ellanie rolled her eyes, and pulled her covers back, letting her sister in.

"You're lucky mommy is sick. And you better not wet my bed," she said, lying back down and turning her back to her sister. Elora smiled to herself, cuddling into her little sister.

6:43 AM

Sam walked into her eldest child's room to find it empty. Normally, she'd be worried, but it seemed like lately she couldn't separate her twins. She immediately moved to Ellanie's room, knocking on the door, and coming in. "Good morning, girls. I let you sleep in," Sam said, before moving next door to Zeek's room. She knew her daughter's could get up on their own, but it was her son that needed a little more encouragement. "Good morning, Zeek," she said, flicking on a lap, and navigating through the messy room towards her son.

"No, mommy," he mumbled. Sam sat on the edge of his bed rubbing his back.

"Yes, bud. You have to go to school. So, let's go potty, so we can get dressed. GG's making breakfast," Sam enticed. She was already "ready" for the day, as much as she could be at least. She was stuck at home at this point, driving longer than dropping the kids off for school was too much, so she stayed around the house, cleaning, teaching, and hanging out.

7:07 AM

"Hey bitch!" Gene smiled, coming into the newly renovated kitchen with Avie full dressed and on her hip.

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