Sleepover Pt. 4

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7:15 PM

Sam and Mallory sat in the empty dressing room, listening to their friends work. Sam had gotten to the point where trying to squeeze in her costume was not happening, even on an empty stomach, Mallory was just doing her normal swing thing, and Nicole had gone home sick after brunch. So it was just she and Sam.

The principal actress scrolled through her computer looking for some wedding and house Pinterest boards. "Mal, when you and Herb got married, where did you get the lanterns?" Sam asked, glancing over to Mallory on her own laptop, clearly deep in thought. "Mal," Sam called again, getting her friends attention.

"Huh?" She said, snapping out of her trance.

"What are you doing?" Sam scooted closer to see her friend on an odd website. Mal, closed the laptop, and sat back with her arms folded.

"Nothing," she mumbled. Sam slowly opened the computer back up to take a better look at the website that had her friend locked.

"Mal..." she trailed off. The redhead's eyes glazed over as she fought back her tears. "You can't get pregnant?" Sam asked in hush tones. Mallory dropped her head, shaking it.

"We've been trying since we got married," Mallory whispered. The couple was going on 3 years.

"What?" Sam got up and shut the door just in case someone walked by. "Does Herb know?" The mother asked, taking her seat next to her friend. Mallory shook her head, taking a tissue that was offered to her. "No? Mal, he's your husband,"

"I know!" She snapped. "I want to tell him, but what am I supposed to say? Sorry babe, the one thing I am supposed to be able to do, I can't. But we can get another dog," Mallory sarcastically replied. Sam sat back in her chair. She had taken for granted her ability to have kids on her own so "easily".

While nothing about her births were easy, Sam had no problem getting pregnant. She never really thought about a struggle to do so, because she had spent so many years running from it. "Mal,"

"It's fine," Mallory dismissed.

"No, it's not. You have had to sit here and listen to me complain about something, that honestly I should be grateful for. I'm sorry I didn't know. And I'm sorry I made it so that you didn't feel like you could tell me," Sam apologized, pulling her friend into a side hug, stroking her hair. "You're gonna get through this. And I'm sure the other girls-,"

"What?" Mallory said picking her head and pushing away from Sam. "No! You can't tell them. It's bad enough I come here and do pretty much nothing. I know what they say about me. I hear the whispers and I see the looks. The last thing I need is for them to know that I'm dead weight in my marriage, too," she sulked. Sam scoffed.

Looks? What looks? Am I not around enough? What happened to our group?

Sam thought. "Okay, I won't say a word. I swear," she agreed. "But, I don't know what you mean. No one is saying or thinking anything like that about you," Sam assured. Mallory scoffed, getting up from the seat and locking herself in the bathroom.

9:47 PM

Sam and Adrianna walked towards Sam's car, heading to pick up Adrianna's nephew, when Sam's phone went off. "Hey," Sam said, putting her husband on speaker.

"Hi, Matt!" Adrianna giggled.

"Hey y'all, how was the show?" Matt asked. Sam shrugged.

"From what I heard in the back? Solid as always," she replied, nudging Adrianna's arm.

"Great! Well, uhh can you stop by the apartment and bring Zeek some clothes? He had an accident at the park today," Matt said.

"An accident? He hasn't had one of those since he was potty training," Sam said, unlocking the car and getting in with Adrianna. Once they had both shut the doors, Sam re-locked them and started the car, so Matt was now coming through the Bluetooth.

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