A Birthday Surprise

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(Sam's 13 Weeks and 5 days)

Thursday May 13th 2025

12:22 PM

Rain slipped down the window as the house sat quietly, Sam, Regina, Nick, and Matt sat at Gene and Nick's kitchen table. After Gene gave her statement, the police said they went to "find" him, but the trail went cold rather quickly. With no other DNA matching the sample they got from Gene, there wasn't much they could do until the guy struck again. "Move in with us," Sam said. "You're lease ends before ours anyways, and we get the keys to the new house in a few weeks. Stay with us in our spare room. You can bring some clothes and go back to your place if you need something," she offered. Matt silently nodded, having talked over this with his wife before.

"We can't do that," Gene declined. "We wouldn't want to put you or the kids out."

"No! Gene, stop. That would not even be an issue. Stay with us. Avie can stay with the girls in their room and you guys can take Zeek's old room. The full sized bed is still in there," Matt stepped in. Sam took her sister's hand, looking her in the eyes.

"Nick, did this for me and I want to do it for you. We won't force you, but our offer doesn't expire. I know what it feels like to feel unsafe in my own home. But, I also know what it feels like not to have control over my own situation." Gene let a tear drip from her eye. She took a deep breath and quickly wiped her tear away.

"Thank you," she quietly accepted. Nick pecked his fiancé's head and got up from the table.

"Can we leave Avie here while we pack some things?" Nick asked, helping Gene out of her chair and grabbing his keys.

"Yeah, of course. Are you hungry? I can order a pizza. I can have Matt pick it up when he gets your cake," Sam asked, pulling out her phone to select a pizza parlor.

"That's fine. And if Avie wakes up before we get back, I put her apple juice and peaches in your fridge," Nick informed. Sam nodded while Matt slid the baby monitor to himself. The couple quietly left, and as soon as the door shut Sam laid back in her chair setting her phone on the table. She ran her hands through her hair trying to keep her repressed feelings at bay.

Matt could see Samantha going into her head. "Hey," he whispered. Sam glanced at him, her eyes glossing over. "This isn't the same guy,"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? That the world is filled with guys who rape? That the chance that my rapist is not the same as my sisters, is higher than the chance that is? That doesn't make me feel better. It makes me feel worse. It makes me feel like why do we have kids, if when we did everything we are supposed to do, they still end up getting hurt by disgusting people?" Sam said, getting up from the table. "I kind of wish it was. At least that way I could believe there was one less out there," Sam muttered, leaving the living room to go order the pizza and check on her niece.


Upstairs, Gene threw some of she and Avie's clothes into a suitcase as Nick packed the bathroom up. "You know this isn't your fault right?" Nick called from the bathroom. A look of disgust came over her face.

"Is that what you told Sam?" Gene sassed.


"Do you know how many people have told me that and how many times I've heard that over the past four days? I get it. I'm the victim here," she grumbled. Nick came out of the bathroom closing up the toiletries bag.

"Gene, I--,"

"Just stop. I don't want to talk about this on my birthday," Regina dismissed, shutting the bag to finish packing Avie's needs. The fewer times she had to see the apartment, the better.

3:13 PM

Sam entered her home with her kids, making them take their wet jackets and shoes off at the door. She picked them up early from the Hive to get Gene's birthday started. Because once she sat down, she wasn't getting up for hours. Samantha was tired and her pelvis was on fire. "Mommy, are we having cake tonight?" Elora asked. Sam nodded.

"Yes ma'am," she said. Sam's attention went to her son, who was sitting on the counter about to grab a slice of pizza. "Ezekiel Andrew Sheehan!" Sam yelled, startling the child. "Get your ass off my counter!" Zeek hopped down and ran to his room, dragging his backpack behind him. The girls rolled their eyes and went to their bedroom to play before Sam made them do their homework.

The mother in question, took a seat next to her sister, who was watching a murder mystery movie on Hulu with Avie curled up in her lap. "You don't worry she's going to get nightmare's because of this?" Sam asked, noticing her niece's stare at the huge flat screen. Gene shook her head, running her hand over her daughter's hair.

"She still doesn't quite get it. And she's been watching Nick play violent video games since she was born, so she isn't phased," Regina answered. Sam could only imagine not having to watch her favorite shows in her room or after her kids went to bed. Was she too easy on them, having them watch Cocomelon or was Regina doing way too much with her daughter's psyche? That was the real question.

6:15 PM

The kids sat at the coffee table eating dinner, while all who could, enjoyed a drink with dessert. "I can't wait to drop this baby and have a beer. I'm getting my tubes tied, cut, and cauterized as soon as I can," Sam muttered, watching her family enjoy birthday shots while she sipped on water.

"Don't worry, by the time you're able to drink, I won't be able to," Regina said. Sam and Matt's eyebrows rose.

"What? Are you and Nick going to start trying for a baby?" Sam asked, pushing her hair back and flipping it over her shoulder.

"Yeah, we want to start trying after the wedding," Nick answered. "We want to give Avie a sibling soon, so that the age gap isn't one in high school and one in elementary school. She will be out of pull-ups soon and we want all of this to be done close together," he said. Sam dropped her hands to her bump. She was finally out of the first trimester, but with the wedding coming up, she was not looking forward to dress shopping.

To Be Continued.

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