Mabye. IDK.

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3:30 PM

Sam woke up next to her sweaty child. She was praying that meant his fever was breaking. The tired mother sat up feeling her unborn fetus moving around; wide awake. She knew the girls were going to be done with school soon and she wanted to check on them since she had been checked out for most of the day. So, she slid out of the small bed and headed across the small entry way of the bedrooms. "Good morning, Sam," Avie cheered, standing in the kitchen with Peg.

"Hi, Avie," Sam mumbled, pulling her hair into a bun and opening the girls door to see them playing with their toys and watching a movie on the iPad. "Girls, are you hungry?" Sam asked. The twins shook their heads while continuing to play. Quietly, Sam left the room and moved through the living room to her bedroom.

In the mirror, Sam defined her bump with a smile. "Hey, fetus. Mommy is tired, so like, let's not be a dick tonight okay?" Sam requested. Her baby jumped at the sound of her voice continually, so she took that as okay.

4:27 PM

At the computer, Sam looked through her emails. While deleting a lot of spam and old messages, one caught her eye. It was Jodie Langel inviting her back to their summer intensive to do a Pop/ Rock and Acting Your Song class. Before she could even respond, a call came through her phone. It was Jodie. "Hello," Sam smiled, seeing her lovely friend's face through her screen.

"Hey, Sam! Did you get my email?" Jodie asked, a smile beaming from her face. Sam nodded, scrolling through the rest of the message.

"Yes! I see it right now! Are you guys in New York this year?" Sam asked, since that would be so easy to commute to. Jodie shook her head.

"Yes, for the others. But actually, we are in Boca for this one. The Wick's theater has invited us back to do our concert, so we are holding the intensive down there," Jodie answered. Sam sighed. She wasn't sure if in the midst of moving she would be able to leave. The control freak in her, needed to make sure everything was where she wanted it. And she wasn't sure if Zeek would be okay without her for a week. He'd never done that before.

"Uhh, I'll talk to Matt about it. We are about to move and I don't know how well Zeek will take it being in a new environment without me for a week," Sam replied.

"Oh my goodness! Bring him! He would have a blast!" Jodie offered. Sam tilted her slightly in thought. She could bring him. He was quiet and the only one of her kids who liked headphones. She could stick him in front of his iPad in the corner of the room and he'd be fine.

"I don't know. Maybe. We'll see. I'll get back to you by tomorrow for sure," Sam said. Jodie nodded.

"Perfect. I hope you decide to do it! We'd love to have you! And seriously, bring Zeek. He'd have a great time!" Jodie said. Sam popped a small smile and shrugged, hanging up.

"Oh and by the way, I'll be like five months pregnant," Sam mumbled, kicking her right leg over her left and leaning against her desk. "Where is daddy?" Sam whispered. She couldn't wait for Matt to get home, her back was killing her.


At the office, Matt and Jill sat in their office with the door closed and blinds drawn. They were having a private meeting. "You still taking your meds?" Jill asked, kicking her feet up on her desk.

"Yeah," the father of four replied. Jill slightly nodded, pulling a rolling try out of her desk. "Seriously? In front of me?" Matt asked.

"How can you resist temptation, if you don't have any?" Jill smirked, rolling and lighting her blunt. Matt shook his head and opened the windows.

"Oh, are you the temptress now?" He chuckled, sitting by the window to keep most of the smoke from his lungs.

"Shut-up," she giggled. "Your therapy going okay?" Matt shrugged thinking about his weekly Thursday morning meetings with Scott. He could talk to Scott like he talked to Nick and honestly he was the best therapist for Matt. His wife was even Sam's therapist. And she loved her.

"Good. This move was stressing me out, and now I have an outlet so I can help Sam with packing and all the things that she's asked me to do since we are technically moving states, even though it's literally across the river," Matt said. Jill smirked.

"Are you guys having a housewarming party?" Jill asked.

"I don't think so. Sam hasn't really been in the mood to host lately. But, maybe that will change once we are in a bigger space. And right now her parents are in town, so she's focusing on her mom," Matt said. Jill gasped.

"Oh yeah! How is Peg? Sam was telling Nina about the stroke. Is she okay? Is she a little..." Jill trailed off moving her hand down her face to signify a droopy demeanor. Matt chuckled.

"No, nothing like that. It wasn't too bad, but she is definitely a nicer person. In the hospital she got a staph infection and was in the ICU for a week. But when death returned her she had a new personality. It was weird to get used to, but now it's nice," Matt replied. Jill took another hit and grabbed her phone.

"Well alrighty then. I wish I had a new mom! No, I wish my mom was like Nina's. Amira is the sweetest woman and she babysits!" Jill laughed. Matt dropped his head.

"I don't know if she does that yet, but I'll find out. She must be doing alright though. Sam hasn't called me, yet," he said, knowing that at the first sign of trouble his wife would be on the phone complaining in a heartbeat.

"Give it time. We can only deal with moms in short increments,"

7:18 PM

Sam laid on the couch with Zeek and Elora cuddling her, and Ellanie lying between her legs with her head on her stomach. They watched a movie with John while Gene and Peg cooked with Avie. Gene took a picture of the sight, since her sister was rarely this physically close with her kids.

Keys jiggled the lock, before Nick came into the apartment with his work bag and a duffle bag. "Hey!" He greeted. Regina pecked his lips, forcing him to notice how silted her pupils were. However, he ignored it as Avie ran to him. "I brought Avie some clean clothes and I have our clothes in the wash," he announced, setting the bag on the floor and picking up his daughter.

"Good. I'll switch her clothes out and do her laundry tomorrow," Gene said. Sam waved as Nick came and sat next to his soon-to-be father-in-law.

"How are you doing, John?" Nick asked, shaking his head and getting comfortable with his daughter in his lap.

"I'm alright. Just trying to provide for Avie and Gene," he answered, before Matt came into the house.

"Hi, daddy!" The Sheehan clan yelled, without moving a muscle. They were momma's kids and Matt knew it.

"Hey, everyone," Matt greeted, before taking his things to the back. Sam got out the cluster of kids and loved to the bedroom where her husband was.

She opened and shut the door to see her husband stripping into his comfortable clothes. "Hey, babe," Sam sighed, sitting on Matt's side of the bed as he slipped his shirt over his head.

"Hey, you okay? I didn't get any hurry home text," he chuckled, making Sam match his expression.

"No, yeah. For once she was kind of nice to be around. But, I was with Zeek most of the day. I think his fever broke, but I'm going to give him one more thing of Motrin before he goes to bed. He has to go to school tomorrow, because I have to go to the theater," Sam informed. Matt stood before his wife and pecked her head.

"Well, I'm home now, so I will play super dad and you can relax," Matt smiled. Sam's heart melted a bit. She liked when Matt was involved. He knew how to handle the kids so that they wouldn't come to her, and she could truly relax.

To Be Continued.

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