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Two Days Later

9:16 PM

Back in her own home, Sam and the kids sat at the kitchen table. Matt and Sam agree that the kids needed as close to normal as they could get while they figured things out. The girls were doing homework while Zeek colored on his practice pages. "Mommy, where is daddy?" Elora asked. Sam shrugged. She and Matt hadn't talked since Gene sent her the video. She had proof that her husband's chest and she didn't know what to do.

"He's at the hotel. He and I are going to talk tomorrow to see if things are going back to normal," Sam answered. Elora and Ellanie glanced to each other.

"Did daddy do something wrong?" Ellanie asked. Sam took a deep breathe and got up from the table.

"Yeah. He's in time out right now," she whispered.


"Girls, please. Homework," Sam stopped. Her girls could go on for hours and she did not need that. A knock on the door, saved Sam from her questions. It was Gene.

"I have a package for you. They gave it to them wrong Pauly. Avie, give it to Sam," Regina instructed as she and her child came in. Sam took the package from her niece and let her take her seat at the table.

"Can I talk to you in the back?" Sam asked. Gene looked at her sister concerned, but allowed her to lead the way.


In his hotel room, Matt and Jill sat on the other double bed in the room. "I fucked up," Matt whispered. Jill shook her head in disgust after hearing what her coworker had done.

"What were you thinking? Why would you cheat on your wife? Let alone your pregnant wife?" Jill asked. Matt shrugged.

"It was impulsive. Naomi was there and I was pissed," he replied. Jill scoffed, standing up from the bed.

"Pissed at what?" Jill yelled. Matt rolled his eyes and ran his hands over his head.

"I was pissed that Sam's pregnant. I was pissed that the life we planned together was no longer viable,"

"It hasn't been "viable" since you had the twins, so what changed ass hat?" Jill cursed, leaning against the dusty old dresser. Matt shrugged.

"I don't know. Nothing. Everything," he sighed. "I only slept with Naomi twice. And I regretted it the first time,"

"But the second time?" Jill interrupted. Matt glanced to his sock covered feet. He was embarrassed. "Matt!" She called. "The second time!"

"I was high!" He revealed. Jill looked at her friend weird.

"High? Weed does not make you cheat," Jill said. Matt got up from the bed and pulled bag of pills out of the side table.

"Not weed. Perc's. I got them from Neetlemen last week. After I found out about the baby, I started getting high every night. Sometimes, twice a night," Matt explained.

"So, you were high when you texted and fucked her," Jill asked. Matt nodded, handing the bag over.

"I didn't even realize what was happening until she was on top of me, but I was too out of it to do anything," Matt said. Jill took the bag and moved to the bathroom. "Hey, wait, where are you going with that?"

"I'm going to flush it! You need to get your wife back! And these," she said holding the bag up, "are not going to help!" Jill emptied the bag and flushed it twice just to be sure.

"She's not going to believe me," Matt muttered. "I wouldn't. It sounds like a cop out. Oh I was high so I cheated? She's going to leave me and if she does believe me, she's going to take the kids. And she should. I'm a junkie-,"

"It's a been a week,"

"It's been months."


In her home, Sam shut her door, watching her sister sit on the bed. "What's up? Do you need help with the kids? Nick is home on the kids off days with Avie?" Gene asked. Sam shook her head and opened the side table door. Holding back her tears, Sam pulled out the ultrasound picture of her baby.

"Here," she whispered. Gene took the familiar pictures, looking at the baby in her hands.

"Does Matt know?" Gene asked, handing the roll of pictures back. Sam nodded, taking a seat by her sister.

"Yup. We found out a little over a week ago. I'm 9 weeks and 5 days," Samantha said. "The girls are going to have to share a room. And I might have to move Zeek next door to them," Sam stressed. Regina pulled her sister to her side, hugging her.

"You don't have to do this alone. Nick and I will be here. And who knows, Matt may-,"

"May what? Change? I hope," Sam mumbled. She loved that man. And she knew he loved her. He might have fucked up, but she wasn't sure if she was going to let an 18 year old throw their relationship, the same age as her, away.

11:48 PM

Sam laid in her bed on FaceTime with Matt. "The baby is healthy. I saw him earlier today," Sam said. Matt sighed.

"Good. Wait, he?" Matt asked. Sam nodded.

"I have a feeling it's a he. I'm hoping it's a he," she replied.

"I'll be over in the morning after the kids go to school. I don't want them to see me before we start to come to some sort of... something," Matt informed. Sam flipped her hair and took a deep breath.

"Okay. I'll see you then," Sam hung up. She closed her eyes and let her breath even out. A stress free sleep was far and few and Sam was looking forward to it.

11:52 PM

Zeek slowly opened his mother's door and limped to her side. "Mommy," he gently called. "Mommy!" He said a little louder. Sam rolled over to her son and sighed.

"Yeah?" Sam asked.

"My knee is burning," Zeek cried. Sam slowly turned on her light and sat up to see her son holding his leg out.

"Buddy, where is your brace?" Sam asked, pulling her child into the bed and going to the bathroom to grab his medicine. The child shrugged.

"It's itchy when I sleep," Ezekiel answered. "Mommy, can I sleep with you?" Sam bit her lip and sighed, gently putting her son's meds on his skin.

"Yeah, buddy. Just watch Dale's tail," Sam warned. Zeek smiled and slid back to his fathers side. She watched her son snuggle up to the dead to the world dog. Zeek was the only person who Dale, for some reason, didn't have sleep aggression with.

1:15 AM

In the middle of the night Samantha somehow acquire all four kids in her bed. One after the other. First, the baby attached to her making her sick, next Zeek's knee, then Ellanie's stomach, and after Elora's nightmare. All valid. All annoying. I hope he's true. I hope he's mine. I need him.

To Be Continued.

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