Happy Valentines Day!

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Why do I always get sick around Valentines Day? Last time, it was because I didn't ration out my candy very well-- ok, fine. I didn't at all and so I was like BLEEEEGHHRR all day.

Now I have no idea but I mean, I'm just ew right now.

But I won't disturb you with that kinda stuff so Happy Valentines Day!!! I didn't get a lot of candy this year. I got some cookies though! ERMAGERSH, I gotta go to the store and buy all of that leftover candy on clearance!!

So I did nothing. Did you do anything on Valentines Day? If you pretty much stayed home all day with no gifts, then I still want to know so I know who to give high-5s to. Kinda like sympathy high-5s but I can't stand sympathy so it's more like "you did nothing? NO WAY ME TOO!" *high-5*

Anyway, BYE! ❤💗💛💚💙💜💓💕💖💞💘

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