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I want to do something completely unordinary! SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY! Not really, just couldn't resist that rhyme.

I want to write about something that I've never written about. It's gotta have action, awesome characters, MAGIC, humor, adventure, explosions, and above all, EPICNESS!!

But I don't know what to write about.

All I've really ever written about is super heroes and random stuff to make people laugh.

But then again, I once wrote about these five kids who went to a summer camp called Camp Shriek and its infested with monsters.

But it's incredibly stupid and I tear up at my stupidity when I read it. Although it entertains me for like twenty minutes.

Come to think of it, I once wrote a whole series with all of the stuff above!! In third grade.

It's called The Five Awesome Piggies!! It was pretty awesome, but now probably only to five year olds. Hm. They were a big hit in show and tell though!

Ok, I'm going off track. So, the point of this is I need ideas. Oh yeah, another thing, I'm thinking about some sort of mutant characters. Cuz they're cool. (*coughTURTLEScough*) Except I don't want to write fan fiction. So rule out X Men and TMNT. But if you have an idea, pleeease tell me!

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