Ok everybody! My name is Unicorn Bob, you can call me Francine for short and I would like to announce rainbows and unicorns for all the--
*trash can falls over*
*pot breaks*
*cat yelps*
Sorry everyone, that was my weird cousin. (Not really) I have my own announcement, but I'm letting Phillip do it. He is my bunny. But he is a toy bunny. With a bow tie.
Hi der, I an Phillipp! I has to sey dat NatureGirl12 wrot a bok caled "THE SUPERS" an so yoo shoold reed it.
Ok, Phillip is not a good writer. Naturegirl12 wrote a book called "The Supers" with Dorito Dude abd Cheez and Weatherman and Nature Girl of course and Mint Girl and all those other guys. AND I COMMAND THEE TO READ IT OR THOU WILST BE CAST INTO THE PIT OF SHAME AND RUDENESS. GO AND DO THE THING WHICH I HATH COMMANDED, KAY? KAY.
The Weird Randomess of Me 3!!
UmorismoI am eating French Toast. NOM. It keeps screaming, "DO NOT EAT MOI!!" Breakfast these days...