xviii. Scorpio

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     Orion decided she would have a good day today.

     She won't engage in any dramas or misfits thrown in her face today, no. She has decided, the moment she opened her eyes, today will be her day.

     Professor Dumbledore didn't call any of her uncles or aunts to Hogwarts to talk about what happened with the Beauxbatons girl she set on fire, however, he did give her detention; he took her Hogsmeade-weekend privilege for two whole weekends, which also mean Orion has to cancel her date with Theo, or postpone if he was still willing to take her on a date.

     Orion was walking towards the Great Hall when a group of Beauxbatons girls walked towards her, one of them was the blonde girl who talked to her the first night they were there, Fleur Delacour. Fleur walked in front of them, knowing where this might go, Orion rolled her eyes. Maybe she jinxed it by promising herself a good day today, maybe luck was never on her end.

     "Orion Mikaelson, right?" Fleur prompted when they finally reached Orion who was looking bored at the rest of them in front of the Great Hall door. Orion could see Cho and Padma standing up from their seats when they saw the group approaching Orion.

     Orion lifted her brows as she scoffed. "Yes, and how may I help you?" she asked, her voice was cold.

     "I would like to apologize for how Margaux Durand behaves towards you, along with Claudette Beaumont, Diane Thomas, and my own sister, Gabrielle Delacour, who I believed approached you in front of your house tower, the other night," she continued, the same silver blonde-haired girl, who was one of the girls that approached her, hiding behind Fleur.

     Orion squinted her eyes as her gaze met with another girl who approached her the other night, the brunette with green eyes who she believed would be Diane Thomas, looking at her with a soft sheepish smile. However, she didn't find Claudette Beaumont in the middle of the group when she was the one who should be apologising to her the most.

     "Why don't they apologise to me themselves?" Orion asked as she tilted her head, she saw Cho and Padma approaching her as they stalked to stand behind the Beauxbatons group, near the doors.

     An amused smile was draped on Fleur's face, definitely not expecting Orion's answer to be so cold. "Ah," she prompted softly, holding her hand out, offering a truce. "Some of them are too proud to come apologise, I just wanted to make sure that we are okay. We come here not to seek trouble nor enemies, rather to seek connection and friendship. I just wanted to remind you that not all of us think like them."

     Orion, with eyes still squinted–still sceptical about what was happening in front of her, she finally nodded. "You have nothing to apologise for," Orion said as she finally smiled. "It's not your fault, and I don't hold grudges."

     "Hope you're enjoying your stay here at Hogwarts," Orion said as she accepted Fleur's hand, shaking it firmly when Fleur finally let out a grin at her.

     Orion nodded her head towards the group before she walked past them, approaching Cho and Padma who had a hard expression on their face before they walked together to the Ravenclaw table.

     "What was that all about?" Padma asked her when they finally took their seat.

     "They apologised for what happened last week," Orion shrugged as her gaze wandered throughout the Great Hall, everyone was thrilled to finally hear the announcement of who got to compete in the Triwizard Tournament.

     "What even happened last week?" Cho asked her softly. "All that we know is you set one of them on fire out of nowhere."

     "One of them called me a bitch."

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