xxx. Lyra

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      Being back in Hogwarts when Orion wasn't necessarily on good terms with her aunt Freya felt way too heavy than she would have ever imagined it to be. Since their argument in the hallway before Orion went to 12 Grimmauld Place, she hasn't got the time to talk to Freya because her aunt had been in Mystic Falls and hasn't gotten back yet.

     The first day back at Hogwarts and Orion has already gotten exhausted, merely because she had been trying to avoid meeting Hadria, which was quite a challenge since both of them were in the same house. Thanks to Padma, who had helped her the first night back by snatching Hadria away from her with prefect's duty excused the second she saw how uncomfortable Orion was when he tried to approach her.

     The morning she stepped into the Great Hall, seeing Hadria sitting with Padma and Cho, Orion immediately turned to the Slytherin table where her cousins were sitting, which was also a challenge since she was also trying to avoid Draco Malfoy.

     Ever since the incident in her library with Draco, everything just became weird. She got the answer to the question she had been asking, yes, she did get every weird feeling she got after she kissed him again. On top of that, she was also wrong about Draco backing off from the project. He didn't just help her, the book he left her contained summaries of every chapter from the book they tried to put together, not only did he put them together all by himself, he summarised everything, noting every page in case they were going to go back to the book. Saying she was embarrassed for accusing him too early, would be an understatement.

     Not to mention his audacity of sending her the shirt she wore at his house, Orion was beyond offended. If he was that disgusted with Orion wearing his shirt, he shouldn't have lent her the first time, shouldn't have dismissed her house-elf without her permission, should've just let her walk home. She couldn't believe his audacity.

     "Are you okay?" Blaise asked her, tilting his head when he saw how quiet Orion was since she sat down at their table.

     "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Orion answered softly without looking at him, her gaze still set on her breakfast plate, not wanting to look up because Draco was sitting next to Blaise.

     "I think Shafiq is trying to talk to you, he's been standing in front of the door for the last two minutes looking at your back," Blaise muttered, trying his best to be subtle while pointing to the doors.

     Orion tutted her tongue in annoyance, rolling her eyes before she turned her head.

     Blaise was right, Hadria immediately furrowed his brow, trying to study Orion even from a few feet away. "Can we talk?" he mouthed the question, pointing outside the door to gesture to her to come with him.

     Orion shook her head softly, smiling at him sheepishly. "Can we do it later?" she mouthed back, turning her head back to where she left her breakfast untouched in front of her, without waiting for his answer.

     "Orion, are you sure you're okay?" Cassiopeia asked this time, she hated when the twins ask her if she's okay, they were the few people that could actually tell whether she was actually okay or not.

     Orion let out a sigh before she looked up, turning her head towards Cassiopeia who was sitting next to Draco, trying her best not to look at the blond guy next to her that had been setting his gaze on Orion the second she sat in front of Blaise.

     "I'm literally fine, Cass. Can you drop it?" Orion answered, she didn't intend for the answer to sound defensive, however, it did.

     "Did you break up with Hadria?" Cassiopeia asked again, Orion could see Cepheus widening his eyes at his cousin from the corner of her eyes. "Are you guys fighting?"

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