xxviii. Sagitta

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     Monsters weren't born, Orion once read.

     They weren't born, they were created; slowly crafted, moulded and formed by the hands of callous memories and harsh trauma that they had to endure. Funnily enough, they were somehow victims. Most of the time they were victims of circumstances, Vincent Griffith also told her that no one's born insane. So, what even makes a monster? When can a monster be classified as monsters?

     Because if monsters are something–or someone–that was born, Orion Mikaelson was a monster. Someone once said it's all about perspectives; monsters, saints, evil, angels, demons; they were all different made up versions inside of someone's head. But, was that really the case when Orion Mikaelson came from the lineage of a monster even monsters were afraid of? When she came from a lineage of an original dark witch?

     Maybe there were always two kinds of monsters instead of one; one that was formed, sculpted by the hands of bitterness and venom lacing the silk of their skin; the other was born, coming out of rotten blood of malice, wrath and vengeance running through their veins, eyes glowing with malevolence the first time they were opened to see the same wicked eyes that brought them into the world. Whether it was born or formed, Orion Mikaelson never wanted to be a monster.

     So, she spent all night drowning herself in the stacks of books in front of her trying to find an answer to stop herself from being one, not one second did she try to leave her family library, only stopping for a moment when Dimmy brought her some hot chocolate and coffee. Her eyes carefully tried to decipher every word on the books in front of her, her fingers tracing the lines word by word, not wanting to miss any word, lines, messages that might be important. But she found nothing, nada, there was literally no mention of the curse that her parents use on her. Her family really did their best to hide them, and they succeeded. At this point, the restriction section of Hogwarts Library might help her more, and that was a big statement because her family's collection was usually better than Hogwarts. Orion could only hope that what Draco had said was true, that his library might provide her with some insight that hers couldn't.

     Orion finally left the library half an hour before lunch, letting her family know she was going to miss it as she walked back to her room. Cursing silently when she felt her neck beginning to strain from more than twelve hours in the library. The smell of truffle was the first thing that caught her when she stepped into the room, her stomach jumped at the view of a plate of cotoletta torinese on the coffee table in her room. She swore she would have kissed Dimmy when she saw her, knowing well how Dimmy knew she was going to miss lunch with her family. Orion was sure she wouldn't survive without her favourite house-elf that has been taking care of her since she was a wee baby.

     She promised Draco that she would be by his Floo Network sometime after lunch. She still did not know what excuse she would provide her uncles and aunts when they asked her where she was going, secretly hoping she wouldn't bump into any of them or even the twins, lying to the twins about going to the Malfoy Manor would be much harder than lying to her uncles and aunts.

     "Orion?" She could hear Davina's voice coming to her room from her walk-in wardrobe. She squeezed her eyes shut, looking at her reflection in the mirror wearing a white sundress with velvet ribbon straps, her mind racing, thinking of an excuse that could match with her fit.

     "Uh, yeah I'm here," she shouted, furrowing her brows as she was still trying to find a good excuse. "Please don't come in here, I'm changing."

     Her eyes drifted to a picnic basket laying neatly on her floor and she decided to pick it up, shoving the books she brought from the library that she did not have the time to read last night into them. A picnic date sounds like a good excuse right now. Although, she was hoping Davina would not be too nosy to ask who she's going on a date with because the answer would be no one.

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