love notes - jack x davey

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Davey's POV

"What's up, Jackie boy." I smirked as I sat down beside him at our lunch table. He rolled his eyes. "Stop calling me that." I shook my head. "No can do, Jackie boy." I stuck out my tongue at him. He rolled his eyes yet again, this time with a small smile on his face.

"What time are we meeting up after school to work on history homework?" I questioned him while pulling out my lunch. He shrugged. "I was thinking right after school at my mom's theatre. She told me she'd let us have one of the rehearsal rooms so we can study quietly, in private with no interruptions." He said while gazing hungrily at his sandwich. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Yes, I have a crush on my best friend Jack Kelly. I have for a while. Every day it's getting harder and harder to hide, even Jack's adopted brother Crutchie has confronted me about it. I confessed to Crutchie and he promised to keep it a secret. Jack is completely oblivious, but I'm pretty sure our whole friend group knows, one way or another.

I tried to subtly cover my cheeks with my hands as I munched on my burrito. "What do you need help with, anyways?" I questioned. He let out an exasperated sigh. "All of it, Dave. I don't know a thing about the American Revolution!!" (I'm so sorry but its the only thing i could think of) He rested his chin on his hand as he angrily took a bite out of his sandwich. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, Jackie. I'm here to help." I said while smiling brightly. He returned the gesture.


As I walked to my locker at the end of the day, I let my mind wander.

What would happen if Jack liked me back and we started dating? What would happen if we break up? I don't know anything about relationships. Jack is kind of experienced, he dated Katherine last year before they both realised that it didn't feel right and they were better off as friends.

Why am I thinking this? Jack isn't even gay.

I absentmindedly opened my locker to grab my binders, when a note fluttered to the ground. Confused, I picked it up and started to read it.

Hear my soul speak. At the very instance that I saw you, did my heart fly at your service.

I smiled slightly. I had been getting these notes a lot over the past couple weeks and I'm dying to figure out who's been writing them. Whoever writes these notes knows my love for Shakespeare. My eyes scanned the note over and over again, trying to decipher who's handwriting it was. When I couldn't figure it out, I slipped the note in the pocket of my binder. I grabbed my belongings and started walking to the theatre.


I opened the large double-doors to the entrance of Irving Hall to be greeted by the welcoming face of Jack's mother, Miss Medda Larkin. "Hello David! It's been way too long since I've seen your face." She opened her arms for a hug, and I obliged, leaning into her comforting embrace. "It's good to see you too, Miss Medda." I said while smiling. She rolled her eyes playfully. "How many times have I told you? Medda is fine." She said while laughing. I laughed along.

"Where's Jack?" I questioned while pulling away. She pointed her thumb behind her back. "He's in rehearsal room B. I gave him the quietest one with the thickest walls so you guys can get your work done with no interruptions." She smirked. I could feel my cheeks start to heat up. She laughed yet again and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, Davey. I know you have a thing for Jack." She lowered her voice. "I'll tell you right now, he is anything but straight." She started to giggle. "Thanks for the info, Medda." I stuttered out while rubbing the nape of my neck. She nodded, a slight smirk ghosting her features.

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