that's pda - race x albert

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short but sweet

Albert's POV

As I was lounging around in my room, bored out of my mind, I got a text.

Racetrack 🥺🥰🤍

<<Can you come over today?>>

<<If i'm gonna be bored I might as well be bored with you>>

<<I haven't seen you in TWO WHOLE DAYS>>
<<I miss you a lot>>

<<Even if I didn't come over, you would still see me tomorrow at school>>

<<I know but seeing you today is just better>>
<<Because then we can do whatever we want and we won't be forced to do schoolwork and i can hug you and hold your hand>>

<<Okay you shithead, i'm on my way>>

<<And i'm not a shithead :(>>

I laughed quietly as I got off my bed and walked downstairs. I was home alone, so I just left a note for my parents just in case they came home and I wasn't here. I slipped on my converse and walked out the door.


I rapped my knuckles against the wooden door of Race's home. His adopted mother, Miss Medda, swings open the door. "Albert!!" She reaches out and hugs me. I smiled and hugged her back. "Hi Medda. Is Race home?" I questioned while pulling away. She nodded. "He's in his room." She backed away from the doorframe, creating way for me to step inside. I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs to Race's room.

"What's up asshole?" I said as I kicked the door open, only to close it behind me again. He jumped. "You scared me." He said while putting a hand on his chest. "Oops," I shrugged as I walked over to his bed. As soon as I sat down he crawled over to me and knocked me back, wrapping his whole body around my torso in a loving embrace. "Did you miss me?" I questioned jokingly while running my fingers through his gold curly locks. He nodded into my chest. "Even though it's only been two days it felt like forever." He said. I giggled. "I missed you too, dork." I smiled down at him and kissed his head.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked him. "I just wanna watch movies and cuddle and catch up with my beautiful boyfriend." He smiled up at me. I rolled my eyes jokingly. "You're clingy." I stated. He nodded in agreement.

"What movies do you want to watch?" I questioned. He was quiet for a moment before yelling: "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!!" He sat up immediately and walked over to the TV stand where he kept all his DVD's. He scanned the shelves before finding High School Musical and slipping the disc into the DVD player. He then walked over to his nightstand and turned on the movie. We had watched High School Musical many times before, Race just has a strange obsession with the trilogy.

Partly into the movie, when we came to the song in the cafeteria, Race started softly singing along, when he all of the sudden started belting on the top of his lungs. "NO NO NO NO!! STICK TO THE STUFF YOU KNOWWWWW! IF YOU WANNA BE COOL FOLLOW ONE SIMPLE RULE, DON'T MESS WITH THE FLOW, NO NOOOO!! STICK TO THE STATUS QUO!!" He sang, throwing in a few riffs here and there.

I watched him in awe. I had never heard him sing before, not like that. He's sung softly with his chest voice before, but never with his head voice. He felt eyes on him and turned to face me. "What?" He questioned while giggling. "You're a really good singer, why haven't you sang before?" He suddenly turned beet red and found the blankets quite interesting, avoiding my gaze. I reached for the remote and paused the movie. "Racetrack Higgins." I grabbed his hand and laced my fingers with his.

He finally met my gaze. "I'm kinda self-concious of my voice, it's a lot different than other peoples'. I was made fun of for it when I was little because I used to sing all the time. After that, I hid my voice from people because I'm still afraid they'll make fun of me." (yanno cuz ben cook's voice is really really unique and different, but in a good way) He looked down again. I understood that he had a pretty traumatic childhood, and I guess it still comes back to haunt him sometimes. I opened my arms for a hug, and he threw himself onto me, wrapping his whole body around me and burying his face in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, tracing comforting circles on his back with my fingers. He took a deep breath, the hot air hitting my neck. "You smell like home." He mumbled. I didn't say anything to that, I just kept tracing circles on his back.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I lowered my face to his ear. "Race." I whispered. I got mumbles for a response. "I have to pee, like really bad." I whispered again. This caused him to start giggling uncontrollably, his whole body shaking with laughter. He released his body from mine and rolled over, lying on his back. He sat there impatiently. "Well hurry up then, I want more cuddles." He whined. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom across the hall.

When I returned, Race was on his phone, scrolling through Instagram. As I sat down beside him, a photo of a young man popped up on his feed. "Who's that?" I asked him while pointing at the photo. He shrugged. "His username is bentylercook, I've never heard of him before." He was about to keep scrolling when I stopped him. "Look, Race. He looks a lot like you." I pointed to the photo again. "You're right, he does." Race logged out of Instagram and turned off his phone. He turned his body to face mine.

"You're cuter, though." I said while putting my hand up to his hair, twirling it around my fingers. "I know." He giggled. I rolled my eyes.

I sat up and rested my back against the headboard, Race following suit. He grabbed my hand. "You know who's the cutest?" He smiled up at me. I raised my eyebrows in question. "You." He whispered, inching closer to me.

"You're a sap, you know that?" I asked him while wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him closer. He nodded, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling my face closer to his. He was about to kiss me when I turned my head, causing him to kiss my cheek instead. He started to whine. "Come on, Albert! I've been waiting to kiss you since you got here." He pouted. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Kiss me, you dork."

He connected his lips to mine. This lasted for a few seconds, my hand resting on his waist while his were entangled in my hair. The door burst open, and in ran Jack, causing us to break apart immediately.

He gasped dramatically. "THAT'S PDA!! MOM, ALBERT AND RACE ARE KISSING!!!" He yelled, before running out and closing the door behind him. I heard Medda yell back. "OH PLEASE, JACK. IT'S NOT LIKE YOU AND DAVEY DONT EVER KISS!!" This caused Race burst out in a fit of giggles. "I swear, even though Jack is older than you he still acts like a child." I laughed. He mumbled an agreement while pulling my face down to his to claim my lips once again.


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