roadtrip - jack x davey

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1992sies javid because yes
also, this is a college AU :)


"Hey, Dave," Jack called across the living room, watching as his best friend stepped into his view. Davey Jacobs and Jack Kelly were dormmates, both in their second year of college. Davey was attending for journalism to hopefully become a successful news reporter, and Jack was there for psychology. He mostly wanted to go into psychology to understand trauma and mental illnesses to become a therapist. Helping people was his passion, just like how writing was Davey's passion. They had met at the beginning of their freshman year of college when they were assigned dormmates and had no choice but to get to know each other.

"Dave, did you know that DID occurs because of repeating and extreme childhood trauma?" The taller boy gestured for Davey to walk over to where he was sitting, pushing his blue-light glasses further up his nose. Jack had been working on an essay about a mental illness of the student's choice, his work all sprawled out on the floor of their shared dorm room.

"That's interesting," The curly one responded while plopping down beside Jack, ignoring how his ears warmed at the close contact. Stealing Jack's blue-light glasses and placing them on his own face, he read over the essay-in-progress on his friend's laptop.

Jack took this opportunity to sneak glances at the boy sitting next to him. He took note of how Davey's eyebrows knitted together in concentration as he read the essay, and how his jawline appeared sharper from this angle. Jack looked up at his brown curls, wondering what it would be like to run his fingers through it-

"Looks good so far," Davey interrupted the trance that Jack was in, snapping him back to reality. The shorter boy removed the glasses from his face, purposely placing them lopsided on Jack's face as he hid a smile.

"Why are you so mean to me?" The dirty blonde asked sarcastically, fixing the glasses on his nose. "Love you too," Davey rose from the floor, plopping down on the couch that faced Jack.

"Cmon, Dave, it's a Friday night. We should do something fun for once." Jack glanced up at the curly-haired boy in front of him, only to realize that his 'friend' was already staring. "Like what, Jack? We're broke college students, what are we supposed to do?" Davey watched as the other boy closed his laptop, shoving it in his book bag along with all his essay work.

Jack thought for a second before his eyes lit up, jumping up off the floor. "WE'RE GOING ON A ROAD TRIP!!" The taller boy screamed, grabbing Davey's hands and pulling him off the couch.

"What the fuck? Jack, we can't go on a road trip!" Davey argued, following the other boy as he speed-walked into the room that contained their bunk bed. "Why not? You're all caught up on your work, and my essay isn't due for another week!" Jack pulled two duffel bags out of their closet.

"Now get packing, we leave in twenty!"


"Clothes, check. Sleeping bags, check." Davey stood at the trunk of Jack's car, checking off his mental list of stuff they would need for the weekend.

"An excessive amount of junk food, check!" Jack beamed, tossing a huge bag full of candy, chips, and other unhealthy food in the back seat.

"Money? Phones? Phone chargers? Sustainable food? GPS?" Davey continued listing items, Jack nodding at every one. "Well, I guess we're all set!" The brunet smiled slightly, before closing the trunk.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Jack whooped while slipping into the driver's seat of the car.

"You sound like a middle-aged white dad on vacation."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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