room - specs x romeo

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this oneshot is inspired by the song Room by Ethan Tasch + a prompt I saw on a public domain website :)

highly recommended to listen to that song before you read this lolz

tw: self-harm, vaping

also its modern

Third Person POV

<<hey love, are we still on for tonight? i love you>>
Delivered 5:14 pm

<<i'm just going to assume you're sleeping, i'll be over in a bit :) can't wait to see you babe, i love you>>
Delivered 6:02 pm

<<at your front door, unlock it plss :D i love you>>
Delivered 6:43 pm

<<i'm starting to get worried, everything okay? i've been waiting for ten minutes... is your phone lost or something? please let me in baby, i love you>>
Delivered 6:55 pm

<<i'm still sitting at your front steps, i checked all the doors + windows and they're all locked. i even double-checked to make sure this is the right house, where are you? i love you>>
Delivered 7:24 pm

Romeo sat hunched over on the front steps of his partner's home, pulling his bomber jacket tighter around his chest. He had no idea why Specs was acting this way: they had been dating for almost eight months and this has never happened before, not even once.

Specs was usually the one to go over to Romeo's house instead of the other way around, but in the last few months, they decided to switch it up. Mostly because the curly-haired kid tried to keep their home life away from their boyfriend's curious eyes for as long as they could. They lived by them-self at the moment, because their grandparents were on vacation somewhere way down south, and they were their only known family. They're kinda shitty, though, considering they left a high school student to fend for them-self. They still pay for all their expenses, even though they've been gone for almost 9 months, which means that Romeo hasn't met his partner's family and they have no idea that he even exists.

Romeo's large family invited Specs in with unlimited love, a feeling they weren't quite used to experiencing. They soon got used to it, as they were at the shorter boy's house almost every weekend.

Observing the puffs of steam clouding around him every time he exhaled, Romeo dialled Elmer's number. After a few rings, the brunet picked up. "Hey, Romeo!!" He heard Elmer's cheery voice bleed through the phone. "Hey," Romeo breathed, his body shivering slightly. "Do you know where Specs is? Have they responded to you at all in the past two hours?" The line went silent for a second before Elmer responded: "No, why? Aren't you guys together like, every weekend?" Romeo nodded, before rolling his eyes at himself as he remembered that Elmer couldn't see him. "I'm at their  front steps right now, I've been waiting for over an hour for them to open the door. I texted them two hours ago and they still haven't even read it-" He paused to take a breath.

"I'm worried about them, Elk. This hasn't happened before. Do you know of any spare keys they would have hidden outside?" Romeo questioned, standing up and brushing off his oversized sweatpants. He realized at that moment that the sweatpants did, in fact, belong to his partner. "There should be one in the plant to the right of the door, underneath the doorbell. Unless Specs got rid of it." Elmer spoke. Digging his fingers around in the cool dirt, Romeo felt a hard metal ring in the pot. Picking it up, he shone it in the light of his phone. "Thank you, Elmer, you're the best," Romeo breathed a sigh of relief as he slipped the key into the doorknob.

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