bartender - sky flaherty x oc

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this is so long for no reason

Renee's POV

"Renee!!" I heard my name being called from the bar. I strolled over to find my co-worker and best friend Eliana filling up a whole tray of beer. "What's up?" I asked as I put the dirty dishes in my hand in the sink. "Can you wait that table for me?" She pointed to a table with four young boys. I nodded and walked over.

I pulled the notepad out of my apron as I approached the table. "Hello! My name is Renee and I will be your waitress this evening. What can I get you started with?" I questioned. The four boys turned their heads to look up at me.

"I'll have your finest beer please." A brown-haired boy with a very bright smile said. I giggled and wrote it down. "We'll both have a gin and tonic." The curly-haired one and the dark-skinned one said simultaneously. I nodded and turned my attention to the last one, a red-headed, very attractive young man.

He handed me his menu without eye contact."I'll take whiskey. I'm getting fucking hammered tonight." He smiled evilly at his blond friend, who just rolled his eyes. I nodded and collected the rest of the menus, strutting away to the bar.

As I was filling up their drinks, I could feel Ellie's presence behind me. "What do you want?" I asked without turning around. She stood beside me. "You know that table you just waited? What was the curly one's name?" She questioned while staring at the table. I shrugged. "I don't know, he didn't say. Why?" I asked while carefully placing the drinks onto a tray. "Because I swear, if his name is Benjamin I am leaving this bar right now before he can see me." I followed her gaze to the table. The curly one looked bored out of his mind as his eyes mindlessly scanned the bar. As soon as his gaze landed remotely close to us, Ellie turned her body so he couldn't see her face.

"Why can't his name be Ben?" I asked. "Because I used to date someone a few years ago who looks exactly like he named Ben. We broke up because we decided that we'd be better off as friends, but we lost contact because he had to leave to tour on Broadway or something." She fiddled with her fingers.

"So you're saying you don't want him to see you because you still have feelings for him?" I questioned while leaning against the countertop. She shook her head. "Hell no. I just don't want to have that talk with him right now, which makes no sense because I want my guy best friend back." She shot Ben's table one last glance before turning on her heels and walking towards the other side of the bar.

I picked up the tray of drinks and started walking over to Ben's table. I handed them their drinks, the brunet politely thanking me with another wide smile. I handed Ben his drink and he looked up at me with a questioning gaze. I averted my eyes from him and handed out the rest of the drinks before turning around and going to wait on another table.

"Renee! Wait!" Benjamin called from behind me. I turned back around and approached the table once again. "What's up?" I questioned. His friends stared at him with raised eyebrows, while the redhead stared at me while sipping on his whiskey. "Umm, you know your co-worker with the long black hair and the nose piercing?" He asked while fiddling with his phone underneath the table. I nodded. "What about her?" He cleared his throat.

"Is there a chance that her name is Eliana?"

I looked down at him with a surprised look on my face, before turning my head to look behind me at the bar where Ellie was standing. She was subtly listening in on our conversation. She nodded slightly before averting her attention to the dirty dishes in front of her. I turned back around to meet his curious eyes. "Yeah, it is. And you must be Benjamin?" He cracked a smile. "That's me. I assume she told you about what happened with us?" I nodded. "Something about you two losing touch because you left on a Broadway tour?"

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