stressed out - ben fankhauser x oc

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oh hey i'm alive i guess

Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days."

"When our mamas sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out."

Gwen's POV

Bennie 🥰💍

<<hey baby, i'm gonna be home late tonight.>>

<<why? did something come up at the theatre?>>

<<no, i'm going out with jeremy tonight if that's okay?>>

<<well i'm making a special dinner tonight>>
<<maybe you could postpone so we could spend some time together tonight?>>
<<you've been kinda preoccupied with work lately.>>

<<well i apologize for living my dream, gwen>>
<<the one night of the whole week that i wanna go out you finally want to spend time with me?>>

<<babe, i've been busy too you know>>
<<you're not the only one with a job>>
<<my boss has been extra hard on me this week and i dont know why>>
<<please, just come home at normal time at five?>>

<<can't we just postpone dinner?>>
<<i'm assuming you'll be too tired to stay up late to spend time with me anyways.>>

<<like i literally just said, my boss has been extra hard on me>>
<<and we both have tomorrow off anyways so I want to spend some time with my husband for once without either one of us being occupied with work>>

<<fine, i'll be home at five>>

<<i love you baby, see you tonight>>

Read 2:38 PM

I slammed my phone on the table and ran my fingers through my hair in anger.

What Ben didn't know was that I actually didn't have to work today. He gets up and leaves for work earlier than I do, so it wouldn't be suspicious.

I had been planning this vacation for a while. I would be off work today, which is Friday, and then I would spend the day cleaning the house. Doing our laundry, doing dishes, running errands, that sort of thing. Then I would make us a nice dinner, and we would eat together, then binge watch our favourite movies. We would fall asleep, and then I would wake him up early Saturday morning and explain that I booked us a cottage a couple hours away, on the beach, so we could spend the next week together. I got work off next week, and I asked Mr. Calhoun to let him off next week as well without him knowing.

I understand that being on Broadway is difficult for him, especially now that he has more responsibilities as a married man. We haven't gotten to spend that much time together lately, since he's been at the theatre almost all day, leaving before sunrise and coming home late at night. I'm always half asleep when he comes home, so I don't have a chance to ask him where he's been or why he didn't come home at five.

I slowly trudged from the kitchen to our shared bedroom. I rustled through his side of our closet before coming across my favourite hoodie of his. I slipped it over my head and breathed in his scent as my eyes slowly filled with tears.

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