christmas - finch x oc

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Reese's POV

"I don't know, Reese. Parties aren't really my thing, especially since this is a Christmas party. Jews don't celebrate Christmas." Davey fidgeted with his hands as we sped down the road to Jack's house. "You'll be fine, Davey. This is barely celebrating Christmas, we're basically just coming together as a friend group and pigging out on food and candy. It's not like there's gonna be drugs or alcohol because Katherine would never let us do that." I said while tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

"Still. I'm pretty new to our friend group, and I'm just worried they won't accept the fact that I don't celebrate Christmas. What if they kick me out and I'll have no friends and-" He started rambling. "If you feel uncomfortable when we get there, you can just cling to Jack the whole time. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." I wiggled my eyebrows at Davey, who just blushed and turned his attention to the window.

When we pulled up to the house, Davey still had a nervous look on his face. "David Jacobs." I snapped my fingers in front of his face a few times, getting his attention. "Stop being so nervous. You're not that new to our friend group, everyone already loves you. Like I said, if you're uncomfy, you can just cling to Jack the whole time." I shot him a reassuring smile before turning off the vehicle and stepping out.

We walked up to the front door of Jack's house. I rung the doorbell and stepped back, standing beside a slightly shaking Davey. Jack whipped open the door, greeting us with a warm smile. "Reese! Dave! You're finally here!" He reached out to hug me and I obliged. After he released me, he turned to Davey and gave him a bro hug, his hug lingering longer than the one he gave me. "Everyone's already here. Buttons brought a friend from his old school who's transferring to our school after winter break is over." Jack led us inside as he spoke. We kicked off our shoes and let him lead us to the living room.

Finch's POV

"Come on, Buttons. You can't cling to me the whole time just because you're scared you're gonna bump into Elmer." I hopped up on the kitchen counter as Buttons rambled on and on about Elmer. "You don't understand, Finch! Last time I was at Elmer's house I kissed him and he didn't kiss me back. He told me he wanted to talk to me tonight and I don't wanna be rejected." He sipped on his can of Pepsi. I rolled my eyes. "Have some balls for once. Walk up to him and ask if he wants to talk then take him outside or something."

"I can't do that, he's never alone! His best friend Reese is here and-" I cut off his rant. "Woah, woah, woah. You're telling me that there's actually a girl in this friend group?" I turned and stared at Buttons. He nodded. "There's Reese and Kath, but she's off limits. Unless you want your future father in law to be your principal." He shrugged. "Is Reese cute?" I questioned. He nodded again.

"Here's the deal. We both go over to Elmer and you take him outside, which leaves me with Reese, so I can sweet talk her. Deal?" I outstretched my hand to him, and he took it. "Deal." He nodded.

We walked into the room, him trailing behind me. We didn't want to walk through the doorway at the same time since there's a mistletoe hanging there. His eyes scanned the scene in the living room, before they landed on Elmer and Reese. They were situated on a loveseat, seemingly in a deep converstation. I had met Elmer before, a couple months ago, and he didn't look any different.

My eyes landed on Reese, and I gave her a once-over before leaning over to Buttons and whispering in his ear. "Cute is an understatement, Buttons. She's so hot." He nodded. "If I wasn't gay, I totally would've asked her out by now." He whispered back.

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