The First Day

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*A brief warning, I have not seen all of the game so don't connect everything to the game, and please! Please! Do not spoil any of it for me, I have already been traumatized by what I know (favorite characters died ofc)*  

The bus pulled into the school parking lot and the students flooded out of it and walked down the path into the building. Some kids packed together into groups and talked for a little and some played around in the front yard. The bell rang and they all made their way to their designated classrooms.

 The teachers were in a meeting so they weren't in the classrooms witch gave the students more time to goof around. A grey and black hair male seemed to be uncomfortable with the atmosphere, he is not one to joke around and goof off but then again he isn't one to sit in a classroom and learn things that you will most likely forget in the future. The situation can not be helped, some kids tried to interact with him but he stayed silent ignoring the annoying pests.

 The teacher eventually walked in and got the classroom in order, then they introduced themself and requested that everyone else were to do the same. One by one they introduced themselves, from the loud, obnoxious pink-haired male to the shy purple-haired girl. The unamused male introduced himself as well, but his introduction was a little more.. grand, "My name is... Gundham Tanaka! Remember it well, for it is the name that will one day rule this world!" He then sat down with a proud smile on his face. 

The pink-haired male who sat a few seats over from him said, "That was a little bit much. You think YOU will rule the world?" Tanaka's smiles then faded, "You doubt my skills?" The teacher then stepped in before things had a chance to get out of hand. They then being to talk about how their classroom works yada yada yada all that boring stuff, anyways.. 

The teacher then assigns everyone into groups so they get to know each other better, and of course, they put Tanaka and the pink-haired boy into a group. The white-haired boy in their group decided to remind the others of his name. "Hello! My name is Nagito Komaeda. Remind me your names again." The pink-haired boy then spoke, "I'm Kazuichi Souda!" Gundham was about to make his big speech but Kazuichi covered his mouth before he even said a word. "We already know your name."

 A group of girls was giggling in a corner and it caught the boy's attention. Kazuichi noticed a beautiful girl and his face became completely flushed with a bright pink color. Nagito then noticed and teased him a little, of course, Kazuichi snapped at him.

*~Well that is all I have for now, if you have an suggestions go ahead and tell me. Sorry if there is any grammar or spelling errors~*

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