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Gundham pinched his nose "What is that horrid smell?" Kazuichi glanced up at him with a confused look "What? I don't smell anything... Wait, do you not know what gasoline smells like?" Gundham shook his head, he was not a fan of vehicles. He thinks it makes one weak and lazy, if there is a dire need to use a vehicle he uses a bus, taxi, or train. It is also a 'cause of pollution so using a vehicle harms his fellow companions (animals that don't even know he exists). He prefers to walk, it helps build cardio. He can't stand the smell of oil, he backed a far distance from Kazuichi and the car. "Are you sure you 'fixed' that?" Kazuichi frowned "Yes I am sure I FIXED it!" Gundham refused to be anywhere near Kazuichi until he got the smell out. Kazuichi stormed inside and to his dorm, Gundham trailed behind, just stayed far from him. Kazuichi walked in and left the door open for Gundham and then he stomped to his room. Gundham had slowly walked in and closed the door behind him and sat on the couch. Gundham looked around and he heard the shower start. Gundham continued to research the messy room. Tools were laying all over the floor along with, small trinkets, and a bunch of clothes was laying everywhere. He saw a couple of pictures, he got up to examine the pictures. He picked up one that had a child, a young fair woman, and a strong-looking man. The picture was a little odd, the man's face was scribbled out and the little boy and woman seemed close. As if the man is an outcast from the family. He kept examining the picture, while he was doing so Kazuichi had finished his shower and came out of the bathroom (fully clothed). "What are you doing?" Kazuichi had spoken while he dried off his hair. "Who are the mo- people in this photograph..?" Kazuichi walked over to him and looked at the photo, he let out a soft chuckle. "That is my mother." He pointed to the woman. He had a warm smile on his face as he admired the woman. Gundham looked at Kazuichi and ask very softly, "Is the man your father?" Kazuichi's smile faded away "The man is no one..." Gundham sighed, "Your mother must have been a nice woman." Kazuichi looked up at him "She was, I miss her..." He shook his head and took a deep breath. "Anyways! You feel better now that I am clean?" Gundham let go of the subject seeing it bothered Kazuichi, "Yes, very much so." 

*~Sorry if this chapter made you uncomfortable-, anyways... I hope you enjoy and sorry for any spelling and/or grammar errors~* 

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