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As the hours passed the sky began to get darker and darker. Kazuichi let out a sigh, he knew that he was going to have to set aside his love rivalry with Gundham just for a stupid project. After the project is over then they can go back to fighting. He got up and to the door, he paused before opening the door "What if he is dating Sonia... or asking her out!?" he then flung the door open and ran to Gundham's dorm which wasn't far. I pounded on the door. A tall beefy guy answered the door and looked down at the small skinny male. "U-um... Hi-... ah- I-is Gundham here..?" Kazuichi said practically trembling. "Oh yeah! But he has a friend over." The tall man responded. "O-oh- wait- WHO!?" "I have no idea, she is blond and has a bow in-" "Miss Sonia!!" Gundham, from the commotion, had walked out to see who in the world for calling out for Lady Sonia. "Oi! where is Miss Sonia!?" Kazuichi shouted. "Hush you fiend, she is sitting in my sleep quarters waiting for my assistance." "Well, I don't believe you!" Sonia had then walked to the yelling with a concerned look, "What is going on out here? Oh hello, Kazuichi" Kazuichi's face turned a bright pigment of pink for Sonia had remembered him. He loved it when she called his name. "H-hello Miss Sonia!" Gundham let out a sigh, "Kazuichi, Why are you here at this ungodly hour, shouldn't you be catching up on missing work?" Kazuichi instantly snapped back to reality once Gundham spoke out. "Oh! Well, Hajime came and told me about the project so I came to work on that." Sonia then spoke with a cheery smile upon her face, "That is very convenient timing! I came over here to get help with that as well!" Kazuichi's eyes sparkled, "W-wait! Are you in our group!?" She let out a soft sigh "I am afraid not, I am in someone else's but they are currently busy" Kazuichi pouted for he dearly wished to be with Sonia, BUT he gets to hang out with her. One problem- Two other males were much more fit and taller than him. The four of them went over what they needed to do for their project for a long while. It was now late, Sonia and Kazuichi had passed out, leaving Gundham and Nekomaru having to take them to their dorms. Nekomaru took Sonia to hers while Gundham took Kazuichi. Gundham would have taken Sonia but Nekomaru had sensed the tension between the Kazuichi and him and insisted on Gundham taking Kazuichi for some "bonding time". How does one bond with the other ASLEEP? Gundham was not pleased with having to carry a sleeping, heavy, smelly mortal to a room which he didn't know the location of. Gundham ran into Hajime and Nagito and requested the location of Kazuichi's room. "Oh Kazuichi is my roommate, is he okay?" Nagito responded. "He is quite alright just in a slumber. Sense he is in the same dorm room as you, you can take him there." "Oh I am going to grab some refreshers with Hajime so no can do" Gundham sighed, It seemed as though he were stuck with Kazuichi. While taking Kazuichi to his dorm he began to grow tired himself.

*~Hi! Sorry this was posted really late my motivation was sniggity snatched. Anyways I hope you enjoy this part and sorry for any spelling and/or grammar errors~*

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