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The other guy in their group then spoke, "I never introduced myself... my name is Makoto Naegi" Kazuichi then began to ramble on about how pretty the girl in the group was, Tanaka got kinda annoyed with him and said jokingly "Sense you speak of her so much, you should go and speak with her and tell her your love for her." Nagito then shoved Kazuichi towards the direction the girl was in while Kazuichi was in a shocked state. The group of girls look over at Kazuichi and had a judging look. He panicked and couldn't stop staring at the girl. 

"I am so sorry to bother you I uh- I tripped..!" Kazuichi then ran back over to his group, his face was now a darker red. Makoto asked what had happened and he responded with "I couldn't talk to her, I chickened out.." Nagito urged him to talk to her and wouldn't stop bugging him. The girls kept giggling and then she walked over to them. Kazuichi was embarrassed. The girl's attention was to Tanaka, she then said hello to him and introduced herself. She told him her name was Sonia Nevermind

Tanaka didn't seem amused to the others but Kazuichi noticed the slight blush from his face and became filled with rage. She kept flirting with him till the bell rang and she walked off. Nagito was teasing Kazuichi for how jealous he was, and Makoto and was laughing a bit. Tanaka walked off and while Kazuichi stormed off. All the students flooded the halls and walked to their next classes, it was like moving upstream. All the short students struggled the most.

 Many students had no idea where to go for their next class that included Kazuichi and Tanaka. They both ended up going to the office for assistance. Kazuichi kept glaring at Tanaka for he was still upset. Tanaka didn't even notice Kazuichi staring right at him. They ended up needed to go to the same class and in fact, they had the next few classes together until lunch. They were told where to go and then they both walked off, Kazuichi stayed as far away from Tanaka as he could.

 They made it to their classes just in time. Kazuichi noticed a big bow and realized he is in the same class as Sonia once again. He was filled with joy and forgot all about his jealousy for Tanaka until the teacher assigned him to a seat right next to him. The class was given their first homework assignment of the year, yaaay... (ಠ_ಠ)... They have to sit through a whole 30- 40 minute class. There were only a selected few who were interested.

*~Sorry for any spelling and/ or grammar errors, you can tell I hate school. Anyways I hope you enjoy this, I get bored pretty easily so these are going to be pretty short.~*

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