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The three-tiered "friends" began to go back to the school dorm lounge. The three of them sat on the couches and shared some laughs. Nagito had walked down from his dorm and noticed how close the three were, "Well look at you cute couples" The sudden words from Nagito gave them a small scare, "GAH-! Oh, Nagito! It's just you... wait- COUPLE!?" Kazuichi screeched. "Are you three not a thing?" Gundham's face was a light pink as it was from the skating rink, he had his face slightly tucked into his purple scarf. Sonia looked at the two boys who both had pink faces, she then said, "No we are not, I am with neither of these two but I am not sure if they are together individually." Kazuichi turned a darker shade of pink, "Now wait a minute! Me and that freak of a guy are not a 'thing'!" Gundham's eyes narrowed and looked at Kazuichi, "I know you are not calling ME a freak!" Nagito glanced between the two going back and forth. "Well, I am calling you a freak! Look at you! You dress darkly and you talk weirdly!" Gundham glared at Kazuichi, "The last time I checked you were the one who came to my dorm just for hanging out with one female" Kazuichi's face stayed a dark red "Shut it!" Sonia budded in "Boys calm down, there is no need to fight. It was a simple misunderstanding..." Both of the boys huffed and they both jolted up. "Boys please don't fight!" Nagito walked away as if nothing had happened and not even caring. Kazuichi stormed to his room, following behind Nagito. Gundham, seeming to be calmer, told Sonia goodnight then walked to his dorm. Sonia was worried about the two but she hoped for the best and walked to her room. Kazuichi flopped onto his room and screamed into a pillow. Gundham, once he walked into his dorm room sat on the bed and took deep breaths. Once Kazuichi finished releasing his anger he sat up and just sat on the bed. He started to think, did he like Gundham or Sonia? Did he hate Gundham? No, he can't hate him 'cause they had a great time at the rink... but then why does he act so angrily around him? After a while, Kazuichi dropped the subject and tinkered with some of the objects sitting in his room. Gundham on the other hand dropped the thought pretty easily for he refused to even have such an idea. He gave attention to his beloved hamsters, they had missed him for the time he was out with Sonia and Kazuichi. After a while, both Kazuichi and Gundham had fallen asleep.

*~Hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for any spelling/grammar errors~*

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