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*Okay I know it's been forever since I last posted but here I am! I love y'all! Anyways here's the story*

{Gundham's point of view}-

 "There is no need to tear up, Kazuichi. None of this was in your hands to control.."

 Kazuichi stayed quiet, I understand he isn't in his usual mood and he was in pain but it upset me not to see him in his usual manor. I didn't know what to say or do to make him feel better and it wasn't any help that there were people watching us.

 "Kazuichi, could you please follow me for a moment?"

 The pink hair male took a moment before nodding. I then walk to my room, checking behind myself to see if he was still following closely.

Once we made it to my sleeping room I held the door open for him and walked in, closing the door behind us.

 "Take a seat" I pointed to my bed and he sat. I then walk to a cage, which I had a blanket covering over it.

 "What are you doing?"

 " I think I have some thing to help bring your mind to peace"

 "What is it?"

 I open the cage and pulled out a beloved rabbit then stood and approached Kazuichi. His eyes almost instantly light it and a small grin slowly peered on his face.

 "Do you wish to hold her?"

 " Can I..? "

 "Of course" I hand her to Kazuichi then sat next to him. He held the rabbit in his arms, seeming to feel a bit better.

" So what's her name..? "

"Rosemary "

"That's a pretty name"


 "....thank you "

"There is no need to thank me, Kazuichi.."

 " i just feel the need to thank you, no one really ever seems to care that I'm hurt so.. "

"I am sorry that you go through this pain"

"No it's fine! I-im fine"

" Alright.. "

We sat there in silence while Kazuichi continued to pet and snuggle, Rosemary. I'm not sure what to say in this kind of moment and Kazuichi doesn't seem interested in me.

"Hey Gundham?"

" Hm? "

"Do you hate me?"

" Why do you ask? "

"Just answer- please"

"Well no, I do not have you in any short of way. Why?"

 "Just something on my mind.."

"I know I haven't been the kindest to you in the past and I deeply apologize. It was not right of me to act the way I have"

"No no! It's okay.. It was my fault anyways.."

"Though you did start it all, It's not a given excuse. Please accept my apology"

" It's okay, really! "

"Are you sure?"

" Mhm! "

"Say, would you like to go out and have a dinner with me?"

" Like a date-? "

"I don't know what else to call it so sure, a date"


He was in a frozen state, did I say something wrong? Does he not want to go out with me? I stayed quiet as I waited for a response. He turned away from me and hugged Rosemary.

"What seems to be the matter, Kazuichi?"

" You want to go on a date with me? "

"If you wish to decline then that is alright and I understand"

" No! I just... Me? "

"Yes? What seems to be the problem with asking you?"

" Well why would someone like YOU want to be on a date with ME? "

"Well, why not?"

 "....I don't know, but there are plenty of other people who would want to be on a date with you.."

"Are you one of those people?"

" . . .I- that-. . . Maybe.... "

"Well I am not a fan of most other people and I'd rather spend time with you"

"W-what about Sonia!?"

" I do not feel as attracted to her as I do you. Kazuichi, I choose you. I have no rhyme or reason for this but I do"

I could see Kazuichi's face turning a bright red against his slightly tanned skin. I do not understand why he seems to be turning down my offer.

 "Are you, alright? Did I say something wrong? "

"N-no! No! No you did!" he threw his hands around in a defensive short of way, at the same time his turned his head away and wouldn't look at me.

"Are you sure..?"

" Mhm! Yup! I'm sure! "

"Oh, alright"

We once again sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Gundham. Do you like me...? Like- like like me? "

"What do you mean?"

" Like, ahhh! How do I say this so you understand... Ah - more than friends! Like a couple short of feeling"

"I think I get it"

"Well do you?"

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