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Gundham had arrived at Kazuichi's dorm but of course, it was locked, he set him down into a standing position and gently woke him up. Kazuichi woke up startled, "Wh- huh!? W-Where am I!? Why are you here!?" 

Gundham sigh, trying very hard not to yell at this obnoxious mortal. "You went into a slumber at my dorm so I am very so kindly take you back to yours. The door is locked so I needed to wake you from your slumber." Kazuichi had a look of confusion. "What is the matter? Do you not understand what I am saying?" "No no, I know what you are saying but why are you saying it like that-?" Gundham did not understand the problem but in response, he said "Is there a problem with the way I have spoken?" Kazuichi rolled his eye, "It's annoying, ya'know!? Just talk normally you freak!" Gundham looked unamused and somewhat offended. 

After a moment of silence Kazuichi sighed and unlocked the door, he walked in and closed the door in Gundham's face. This of course pissed him off, he was going to be polite and tell him goodnight but Kazuichi's rudeness was beyond the necessary. Gundham stormed off but before he reached the end of the hall Kazuichi opened the door and peeked out, he looked around then saw Gundham and called out for him. Gundham looked back and he glared at the pink hair boy, still beyond annoyed with his childish behavior. 

Kazuichi signaled Gundham to come back, which of Gundham did. Kazuichi looked up at him and... apologized? Someone who was not the biggest fan of Gundham, had apologized to him? "I forgot my dorm was a mess... Sorry... I guess" Gundham sighed, he knew Kazuichi didn't mean it. Without another word, Gundham walked away, "Hey asshole! I apologized!" Gundham stopped in his tracks and looked back, "I acknowledge your apology but I will not forgive you for such a rude manner" Kazuichi huffed and then slammed the door. 

Gundham continued to storm to his room and once he made it there he flopped onto his bed and tried to calm his nerves down. He played with his hamsters who are named the 4 Dark Devas of Destruction.

*~ Sorry it was EXTREMELY short, and yes the devas get a highlight. Sorry for any grammar and/or spelling errors~*

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