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*It is still the same time set as the past chapters*

All the kids sat there completely bored out of their minds, Kazuichi jolts a little and searches for a piece of paper. Tanaka becomes confused about what Kazuichi is trying to do, "What is it you are trying to do?" He says in a whisper-like tone but his voice is too deep not to hear so the teacher snaps and tells them not to talk while he teaches. Kazuichi asks very quietly the kids next to him if they had any paper and they tell him no. 

He then gives up and slumps in his seat. The girl behind Kazuichi crumples up a piece of paper and throws it at him. He turns and looks at her, and she waves at him and points to the paper that is now on the floor. Kazuichi picks it up and has a wide smile on his face, he writes on it, he then crumbles it back up and throws it towards Lady Sonia but it ends up going to a big muscular man. 

Kazuichi then slouches into his seat from embarrassment. The muscular man turns and looks around confused and then he threw the paper away. The girl behind Kazuichi begins to giggle a little which caught the teacher's attention. "You! What is so funny? How about you share whatever is fun to the class, maybe we could all join in." The girl responded with, "Oh! Sorry sir, Ibuki just remembered an inside joke that she and her family used to talk about"

The teacher seemed unamused and asked what her name was. "Who am I you ask? Ibuki Mioda!" She had a big smile on her face. The teacher then rolls his eyes and continues to teach. Class continues to go on and then, thankfully, the bell rings. Everyone was dismissed from their classes but Ibuki tugged on Kazuichi's sleeve before he walked out of the class. "Hi! Wanna hang out during lunch?" Kazuichi smiled a little "Sure!" he said in response. Ibuki then ran out of the classroom and a boy yelled "No running in the halls!" That same boy then walked in and bumps into Kazuichi.

"Oh, I am dearly sorry, please take my apologies. I wasn't looking where I was going" Kazuichi reassured him that it was okay. "Thank you for your forgiveness! Let me introduce myself, my name is Ishimaru Kiyotaka. What is your name?" Kazuichi introduced himself and told Kiyotaka that he had to get to class "I understand! Have a great rest of your day Kazuichi!" Ishimaru said with a smile and waved bye to him. Kazuichi waved back and walk out to his next class.

*~Ahh it's like 3 am so there might be a lot of spelling errors, if not then I'll be completely shocked. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.~*

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