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"Ms.lady!" I yelled as I went into the Hokages office "What is it Y/n?" Tsunade asked "Can I talk to you really quick?" I asked "I'm busy right now y/n" she said as she was stamping papers "Please?" I asked "Fine" she said as I went over and locked the door "I'm to old for you" said Tsunade "No you're not" I said "Yes I  am I'm older then you think" she said

"I still love you and I will marry you" I said "It's not gonna happen Y/n" Tsunade said "Yes it will, one day, you'll love me back, that's how strong my love is for you Tsunade" I said

Tsunade's P.O.V
*Knock Knock* "Lady Tsunade, can I come in?" Kurenai asked "Yes one moment Y/n get the door please" I asked Y/n as she went and unlocked the door "I came to tell you that our last mission went well" Kurenai said "Very well, You have the next two days off" I said "Woah Kurenai you look very pretty" I heard Y/n say

"Thank Y/n, you look very nice yourself" Kurenai replied 'Don't compliment her Y/n compliment me' I thought to myself "Well sensei, If you have two days off can we go out, my treat sense your mission was an success" Y/n said "Alright, I'll go" Kurenai said then left

"Well I'll leave you alone now Ms.lady sence you have a lot of paperwork" Y/n said as she was about to exit "Y/n wait" I said as Y/n stopped and turned around "Huh?" She replied as I got up from my seat, walked over to the door closed it, locked it, then turned to Y/n walked up to her and said "If you do that again you punishment will be worse next time"

Y/n P.O.V
"Do what?" I said with a smirk until it faded away once I realized what she said "Punishment?" I asked "You finally caught on" Tsunade said as she was walking closer and I was walking back until my back hit the wall and Tsunades face was inches away from mine

"What do you mean punishment?" I asked as her face got closer to mine "You'll see" Tsunade started to lean forward and then...

Author- I guess we'll never know hehehe

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