Even at the end...I still don't have a title

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Y/n P.O.V

It's been four months sence I defeated Balthazar and things have been great. The village is safe. Tsunade's healed and back to normal. Gabbi's all healed up and Zen too. And my arm is doing better. As a normal day I was going to the Hokages office to see Tsunade...and mess with her. Once I got there I opened the door to see Zen and Gabbi. "Woah! I haven't seen you guys in a while!" I said giving them a hug. They smiled "How's things in the underworld?" I asked "Pretty good. We now lead the underworld and everything is going smoothly." Zen said "Yeah we came to stop by and take a break" Gabbi added "I said it was fine with me." Tsunade said "Well nice idea Tsunade." I said giving her a hug. Then the window opened and closed and I seen Jiraiya. "Jiraiya! Hi!" I said. He looked at us four and walked back "Aye! Those two are demons who have high levels killing skills get away from them!" Jiraiya yelled. We all laughed "I know pervy sage. I'm one too." I said and he looked at me. "Well that explains a lot" he said chuckling. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean you little pervert?!" I asked "It explains why you don't listen! And stop calling me pervy sage!" He yelled. Zen and Gabbi were on the floor laughing and Tsunade giggled. "It's not funny!" I yelled and they got up. "I got it!" Jiraiya yelled "What?" Tsunade asked. "A new book idea" he said. "I'll make it about you four. Y'all pick a title and I'll start writing" Jiraiya said. "Sence nun of us cared about something we should call our legendary story..." Zen said as we all looked at each other and smiled. "So what's the title?" Jiraiya asked.  We all said "What About It?"

~The End~

Hey Y/n! We meet again. Congratulations you made it to the end. The actual end this time. I hope you enjoyed reading this book and your journey with Tsunade. Otherwise that's all I got to say and Yeah. See ya Y/n! Until we meet again...If we meet again. Have a good Day/Night Bye!

From: Me
To: Y/n

 What About It? [Tsunade x young fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now