Whoever Said I Had A Title? They Lied

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Yes I use that picture again because why not?

"Zen do think that it'll just be us 3 again?" Gabbi asked "I think it's possible but it probably won't be the same as before." Zen replied "What do you mean?" Gabbi asked "I mean what if we got there to late and Y/n found someone else and she doesn't need us anymore. What do we do then? Do we let her be happy with them or do we hurt the one she cares about and she starts to hate us?" I ask. Gabbi was silent for a little "Let's have hope Zen. That we wasn't to late. I think rifgt now Y/n would want us to have hope." Gabbi said "Yeah you're right maybe I'm just overthinking" Zen said "Well don't and get some sleep we still have time lovely Zen" Gabbi said "You didn't call me that in a while" Zen said and smiled "Well now I did so let's get some sleep" Gabbi said and then layed down 'We all always acted like we were all dating. Sometimes I wish that were true.' Zen thought slowly falling asleep 'Before Y/n got vanquished we were thinking about adding Zen to our relationship cause it was always just us can we still make that happen?' Gabbi thought then falling asleep

Y/n P.O.V

It's been 3 weeks and I'm finally going back to the leaf. We had to on this tough mission that took forever but we got our work done and now we're almost home. I can't wait to get in my bed and sleep all day. It's late and we made it back to the leaf all we have to do is report it to the Hokage and then I can sleep. We walked into the Hokages office gave her our report and she looked over it. "Nice work. You're dismissed" she said "Yay! I a comfortable bed waiting for me" I said then turned to Tsunade "Come on babe I'm ready for bed" I said walking over to Tsunade giving her a hug "I missed you babe" I said while pulling her out the chair "I missed you too" She responded and hugged me. I dragged her to her room took off my shoes then went to her bedroom and fell forward on the bed. "Babe come lay next to me I'm tired" I whined and Tsunade came a layed next to me "I like your warmth babe" I said tiredly "Get some rest Y/n we can talk more when you wake up" Tsunade said then kissed me I nodded then fell asleep.
I woke and Tsunade was gone I got up and stretched (That morning stretch hit different) I walked out the room and seen Tsunade sitting down doing work.

I walk up to her layed down and hugged her waist "Morning babe" I said and Tsunade looked down "Finally awake huh?" She asked "I was only sleep for a couple hours" I said "I think you mean four days and a couple hours" Tsunade said while looking down "That long really?" I asked and Tsunade nodded "I must have been really tired" I said as I got up and looked at Tsunade "I love you babe" I said and I kissed her. She kissed be back "I love you too Y/n" Tsunade said "So when I get down on one knee and ask you can you marry me you gonna say yes right" I asked and Tsunade blushed "You'll see what the day comes" Tsunade said I was about to say something until the window opened. It was Jiraiya! "Jiraiya you're back!" I said excitedly and ran to give him a hug "Hey Y/n! Not surprised you're here haha" Jiraiya said patting my head. "Ok I got some good news and some bad news which do you wanna hear first?" Jiraiya asked "Good news" I said "Ok well the good news is my book is coming out soon!" Jiraiya said I jumped with excitement. "Yay! Me and Kakashi sensei wouldn't mind reading it right now." I said grinning "Perverts" I heard Tsunade say and I chuckled "Ok, now the bad news" I said and Jiraiya face turned into a frown "We're in danger and I don't know why" Jiraiya said and I stopped smiling as well.

Congratulations you made it to the end! I hoped you enjoyed reading this story even tho it can be a little cringey and maybe even trash but aye it'll get better I think. Otherwise thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next update. Bye Y/n!

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