I finally have a title...Did you really believe that? lol

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Y/n P.O.V

Gabbi, Zen, and I, have been training for a month straight. No sleep, no rest. No bullshit. Just training. "I think we should stop now Zen" Gabbi said "Why?" He responded "Look at Y/n. She's surpassed her limits limit. If she fights anymore she might pass out" Gabbi said worriedly. "You're right" Zen responded "What...are y'all...talking about I'm...fine. I'm just a little out of breath...Let's continue." I said as I ran towards them and pushed Zen and kicked Gabbi with demonic energy. They flew back and I fell. I tried to get up but I couldn't move. 'Come on Y/n get up! You can't save Tsunade this way!' I scolded myself. Zen and Gabbi ran over to me. "Y/n you did enough. You have more than surpassed us now. You need rest. If you don't get it you won't be able to fight on the day she comes." Zen scolded "But-" Gabbi cuts me off. "No buts and take your ass to bed!" She yelled and teleported me to my bed. As soon as I felt my bed and a blanket over me my eyes got heavy and I lost consciousness. I woke up to hear Gabbi and Zen talking.

"Gabbi you know that Y/n's in lov-" he got cut off "Yeah I know Zen" Gabbi responded "You not mad or sad?" Zen asked "I am Zen. It hurts that she moved on. But...I also know that she isn't the Y/n I fell in love with. She's her reincarnation. The Y/n I fell in love with died years ago...and no matter how hard I try and how much I hope she isn't coming back to me. She isn't coming back to us. It's hard to except that Zen. It's hard to except that I lost my love and she's never coming back. All I have left of her...is the memories we created." Gabbi said and Zen hugged her "I miss her too. I always knew that we wasn't gonna get our Y/n back. But I didn't want to except it. All I have left is also...the memories we created." Zen said. I feel bad for them but I'm also happy. I can love Tsunade knowing that they except it. I got up from my bed and noticed that I've been sleep for 14 days?! 'I haven't seen Tsunade in a month' I thought as I teleported to her house. I got to her house inside her room and seen that she was in bed. "Babe, I'm sorry it took me so long to come see you." I said giving Tsunade a hug. "Y/N?! YOU'RE OKAY?" she asked "Yeah. I'm fine babe. But I think we should teleport to my house. You'll be safe there."

I said making her stand up "I'll be fine Y/n-" I cut her off "I want to protect you Tsunade so please let me do so" I said softly. Tsunade hesitated but then nodded. I smiled and teleported home. But as soon as I came home Zen ran over to me. "Y/N GET DOWN!" He yelled tackling me and Tsunade as a laser shot breaking my window "Zen what happened?" I asked "She back. She came her looking for you and we didn't tell her where you were. She got mad and started attacking us. We could barley keep up." Zen said "Dammit! Where's Gabbi?" I asked "I sent her back to the underworld. She's in bad shape from that laser." Zen said "Okay then. Zen take Tsunade and go in a room. I'll try fighting her okay?" Once I said that a laser came my way I ducked and it hit the floor. "ZEN GO NOW!" I yelled and he teleported "Y/n. Nice to meet you again-" before she could finish I used a demonic Rasengan and she flew back into the wall. She got up and glared at me "You didn't let me finish" She said then fell. Then a guy came out of nowhere "You were very strong how did you fail?!" The man yelled "Boss?" Zen asked coming out of the room "Boss? I asked confused "Zen. You have failed you mission. And because of that. She must die again. This woman here was the one who vanquished her, former partner." He said

"What?! Then where's the one who killed Y/n?!" Zen yelled. "The one I ordered to kill Y/n is not other than The Hokage of this village herself. Tsunade." He said and Tsunade appeared right in front of him. "So the reason you couldn't kill her was because you love her? What a joke!" He yelled and kicked Tsunade sending her into a wall then holding up his finger with a red light forming. "Say goodbye Tsunade haha" he laughed shooting a laser at Tsunade. Before It's could touch her. I ran to her and pushed her out of the way allowing the laser shoot me in the arm. "W-Why did you save me Y/n? It's my fault you died in the first place. You should hate me." Tsunade said "What the hell are you talking about Tsunade? You were ordered by that asshole to kill me. Even if you were ordered or not. I said that I love you and I wasn't lying." I said and stood up. "You asshole! How dare you hurt my friends and the one that I love! I'll kill you!" I yelled as my eyes turned black and a sord made out of demonic energy and chakra formed in my hand. "This'll make sure your soul gets vanquished too." I said as I ran at him. Teleported behind him and stabbed his chest. "You can't pull the sord out and it'll blow you up as soon as I say the word. Leave now or die!" I yelled and he teleported away. "Zen...I'll kill him. Only if you tell me it's okay" I said looking at Zen "Scum like him dosen't deserve to live" Zen said then nodded his head. "Incinerate" I said and my eyes turned back no normal. "He's dead" I said walking over to Tsunade and gave her a hug. "It's done now babe" I smiled and kissed her cheek "Zen go get Gabbi so we can help her" I said and Zen teleported "I love you Y/n" "I love you too Tsunade."

Congratulations you made it to the end! I hope you enjoyed reading and I'll see you in the next update. Bye for now Y/n!

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