Guess who still doesn't have a title? Me.

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"We're here, what do you need?" Gabbi asked their boss "I need you you kill this group in another dimension it takes 3 months to get there" The boss said "But I thought you said we can go get my past- Gabbi's past lover" Said Zen "Yes I know. But this is important. Sorry Gabbi but you're love is gonna have to wait." Said the boss "Yes sir." Gabbi responded "Good. Leave now. You should get the job done as soon as possible." The boss said "Understood" Zen and Gabbi said as they went on their way to kill their targets 'Wait for me Y/n. I'll have you in my arms soon, love.' Gabbi thought. 'Wait for me Y/n. I can't live without your jokes. So I'll see you soon' Zen thought. They both sighed knowing that it'll be a while before they see their love and their friend again.

Y/n P.O.V

I got discharged today! It been a week since I've seen Tsunade. I miss her so I'm going to see her. I got to the Hokages building and ran up to see her office but Sakura was standing outside of it like she's a bodyguard. "Hey Sakura! How ya doing? Let me get pass you real quick" I said trying to go in but Sakura stopped me "Sorry Y/n but Lady Tsunade told me to not let you in unless it's an emergency." Said Sakura "What? Why?" I asked "Hokages orders" she said "Oh well that hurts. I guess I'll go to Kurenai" l said with a fake sad face as I exited the building then went to the window. And opened it "Jiraiya you're back early" Tsunade said.

"Nah I'm back to late. It's been a week." I said as I closed the window. "What are you d-" I ran up to Tsunade and covered her mouth "Shhh! Sakura might hear you!" I whispered yelled and took my hand off her mouth. "What are you doing here?" Tsunade asked "Coming to see my wife like I always do." I said "I'm not your wife Y/n so don't call me that" Tsunade said "You will be one day" I said "No I won't Y/n. I'm to old for you and you know it." Tsunade said angrily "No you're not Tsunade I fell in love with you. So age really shouldn't matter" I said calmly "You fell for Gabbi not me" I  heard Tsunade mumble under her breath "What makes you think I'm in love with her?" I asked.

"She kissed you and you didn't do anything. How do you think I'm supposed to feel?" Tsunade asked "It's not like that Tsunade she was really strong and I couldn't loosen her grip to push her away" I said "Whatever Y/n" Tsunade said as she turned back to her desk. "I knew it Tsunade. You were injured that day, but it wasn't by Gabbi or Zen. It was by me." I said as I walked to the door. "I sorry Tsunade. I really am." I said as I walked out the door and closed it. "Y/n?! Wait, you're not flirting with the Hokage? I thought you were in love with her" Sakura said. 'I hurt her' I thought as tears came from my eyes and I looked at Sakura. "What about it?" I asked as I walked away from the Hokages office.

See what I did there? Ya know with the title? Ik it's short, I'm sorry. Another update coming soon when I'm  not tired. Bye Y/n!

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