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Past Life

Y/n's P.O.V

'I'll go to the forest and relax' I thought as I was about to run to the forest to the secret spot where the flowers and a clear view of the sky is. Until I heard someone yell so I went to go see who it was "Ugh! I'm tired of this bullshit!" A woman yelled "Sexual hormones huh? I know the pain but I don't" I said with a smirk "Who the hell are you?!" The woman asked "Oh me? I'm Butta Cheeka" I said with a smile "Butta Cheeka?" She asked "Y-Yup" I said trying to hold back my laugh "Oh well I'm Gabbi" she said "Hahahahahaha I'm...Sorry...My names Y/n and I just made ya say butt cheek" I said trying to stop laughing "You're an asshole" said Gabbi "I apologize I'll make it up to you by showing you my secret place" I said with a smile as I grabbed her hand "I didn't say yes!" She yelled at me as we reached the woods "Then pulled away and once you do I'll never bother you again" I said as we almost reached my secret place and she pulled away "We were so close...some things don't last I guess" I said as I shrugged "I'm going home. Don't worry Gabbi you won't see me anymore" I said with a smile then ran off out of the forest so she won't find my secret place.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Gabbi's P.O.V

'I ran into her 3 months ago and I can't stop thinking about her what the hell!' I yelled in my head as I punched the wall "Woah someone's mad. What's wrong?" Asked Zen "I ran into a girl 3 months ago and I can't stop thinking about her" I said as I punched the wall again "Then you should go see her, talk to her, get to know her, if you can't stop thinking about her" Zen said "But she said that I won't see her anymore" I told him "How the hell did you mess up on the first meeting?" He asked "You better not blame me! She tricked me into saying butt cheek by saying her name was Butta Cheeka!" I yelled and he started laughing, he was laughing so much he started crying "Oh I have to meet her haha what's her name?" He asked "As if I would tell you" I said back "Listen she said she won't see you anymore soooooo you have to go see her" he said 'That actually makes sense' I thought "Alright well I'm gonna go find her. Thanks for the advice Zen" I said walking out the door "Yeah no problem. Tell me how it goes when you come back!" He yelled so I could hear him "Okay!" I yelled back as went to go find Y/n in the forest she was taking me to.

I've been searching this forest for hours and I can't find Y/n 'Maybe she's not here' I thought to myself until I heard a familiar voice it was Y/n! About time I found her. I follow her voice into some vines and there was a waterfall, flowers, a bench, and a clear view of the sky. I am amazed then I seen Y/n lying down looking at the sky "Never ending darkness but the sun will always rise. But I'll see the light right? Just like you did. Thanks for being the light for me. I'd like to be someone's light too but it's not easy. And if I do become a light would it be physically or mentally?" She asked looking at the sky 'Who is she talking to?' I thought and then seen a fox next to her 'Poor Y/n. The fox can't respond' I thought "What do you mean by that?" The fox responded 'Did...That fox just talk?' I thought "HOW IS A FOX TALKING RIGHT NOW?!" I yelled out loud then Y/n turned around "Cool right? He's my bestfriend" Y/n said with a smile "Gabbi right? What are you doing here? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?" She said "I don't remember saying that otherwise I came here because for some reason I can stop thinking about you" I said looking away from her "Oh I see you in love with me?" She said which made my face heat up "What no!" I yelled "It was a joke, it was a joke calm down lady otherwise....If you can't stop thinking about me that means you want to see me around often" she said which made me think "I hate to admit it but you're right" I said and she smiled "So would you like to go to a cafe with me?" I asked "Sure but only on one condition" she said "What?" I asked "Only if we can bring my bestie some tea back" I smiled "Sure now let's go" I said "Yay!" Y/n yelled 'She isn't bad but...is she a demon too? I sence demonic power' I thought to my self as I walking out the forest until I realized something...

I'm lost...Damnit now I gotta ask Y/n the way outta her.

I hope you enjoyed. And I gotta question what do you think Gabbi looks like? Use your imagination. That's all I gotta say. Bye Y/n!

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