Even The After Ending Dosen't Have A Title

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Y/n P.O.V

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Gabbi, Zen, and me are sitting in a tree looking at the clouds. "That one looks like a ship" Zen said. "What are you talking about it looks like a bottle of wine" Tsunade said. "No it looks like a chair with arms" Gabbi said. "I see a girl with the round-" Jiraiya cut cut off by a nosebleed. "Goofballs it's obviously looks like a Rasengan vs The Lighting Blade" I said. "Is all you think about is fighting techniques?" Jiraiya asked. "Says the Pervy-Sage" "I told you not to call me that!" Jiraiya yelled. "Calm down Grampa it's true." Zen said laughing. "Grampa?! arnt you over 4,000 years old?!" Jiraiya yelled. "Aye it's 3,000 and and Gabbi's 4,000!" Zen yelled back. "Aye at least I look younger than you!" Gabbi yelled and Tsunade giggled. "Aye calm down! Every one here looks like they're in their 20's, 30's, or even younger." Gabbi, Zen, and Tsunade looked at Jiraiya. "Him too" I said and they started laughing. "Y'all wanna get food? I asked and they nodded.

Tsunade and Jiraiya are in the restaurant while me, Zen, and Gabbi are outside. "Are you ready Y/n?" Gabbi asked. "Yeah I think" I responded. "You'll be fine! I can't believe you're about to propose." Zen said patting my head and I giggled. "Yeah I can't believe it. I better be invited to the wedding." Gabbi said smiling. "Of course both of you will be invited." I said "Ok so what are you waiting for go propose already" Zen said pushing me into the restaurant. I walked over to Tsunade. "Babe can you come here really quick?" I ask Tsunade she nodded and I took her outside under the blue sky with fluffy clouds and beautiful flowers under us. "What is it Y/n?" Tsunade asked I looked beside us and seen Gabbi, Zen, and Jiraiya giving me a thumbs up. I smiled, looked at Tsunade and got on one knee. "Tsunade I loved you for a very long time and we've been through some weird stuff together. And even trough all that you stuck by my side, even when you found out that I was a demon, even when I was at my lowest. So Tsunade I take your hand into mine, and give you this ring as a sign. If you say yes there's no turning back, be mine forever can you do that?" I asked and seen tears run down Tsunade's face. She smiled and nodded "Yes" she said and I smiled "I'll give you a gift that no one else could give. I'll give you my last name" I said tears running down my face and I got up and kissed Tsunade. I broke the kiss and hugged her. I looked over to Gabbi, Zen, and Jiraiya and seen them clapping and smiling. "I love you Y/n L/n" "I love you too Tsunade L/n"


"Y/n proposed to Tsunade? How cute they look so happy, all four of them...but it won't last. Y/n vanquished me and sent me to the darkest part of hell, and Zen and Gabbi did nothing to stop her! I'll make them feel the pain that I felt now that I'm back. So who should I target first? I have the underworld back under my control  so I'll start with messing with their minds. Gabbi! She's the one who started it by meeting Y/n! So she'll be the first to die! After her I'll go for Zen, and after him, my old partner Tsunade, then finally the one who took my 2 favorite demons away form me, Y/n. I'll make sure her death is the most painful, physically and mentally. Then I'll finally have pleasure in killing her myself. " said Balthazar. How did he get out the darkness part of hell is unknown, but what is known, is that he has four targets and he'll do everything in his power to kill them all. Will Tsunade and Y/n continue their life story or will it end with Balthazar killing them? "I'll plan my attack when thire guard is down. 2 months from now at the wedding. A very good day that will be. Nothing last forever. Not even your hope to be happy!"

Congratulations you made it to the end of the after ending! Hope you enjoyed and Have a great day/night! Bye Y/n!

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