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Tsunade P.O.V

It's been a month and Y/n hasn't bothered me. I'll call her in for missions and she'll listen, nod, then leave. I wonder if she's okay or not. I'm worried about her. *knock knock* "Come in" I said as Sakura came in "Lady Tsunade these flowers came for you" Sakura said. 'Flowers?' I thought as I look them. They had a note. I looked at it and read it.

'I'll be by later Tsunade. See you soon.

I felt my face get warm. "Thank you Sakura, you can leave now" I said. Sakura nodded and left. 'I'm happy to be able to see Y/n again' I thought and got back to work. It's been 3 hours since I got those flowers from Y/n and it's now night. 'Maybe she's not coming' I thought as I frowned. "Damn Sakura still here? I had to come through the window again. Not that I mind tho haha" I heard Y/n say. I turned my head to see her close the window. "Hey Tsunade. Sorry it took so long hehe" Y/n said while scratching the back of her neck "It's fine what do you need Y/n?" I asked "I want to apologize for hurting you Tsunade. After I left that day I felt like trash. I felt like scum for hurting the one I love most. So I decided to give you space. Every time you called me in for a mission I acted professional." Y/n said as she walked closer to me, soon standing right in front of me. "I acted professional when I really wanted to go up to you and hug you, feel you, kiss you, hold you and never let go. It was so hard to restrain myself so I wouldn't call you my wife, babe, baby, and love.

I wanted to do all those things but I didn't because I love you so much that if I have to keep my distance for you to be happy I'll be okay with that. Even if it hurts not to be able to make you mine. I know this might be selfish to ask but Tsunade can you please forgive me? I don't want to have to stay away from you. It makes me wanna yell because I can't be by your side. So please can you forgive me Tsunade?" Y/n asked getting on her knees. I felt tears escape my eyes "I'll forgive you Y/n" I said as Y/n looked up with tears in her eyes "Thanks- hey why are you crying?" She asked as she stood up and whipped my tears "You're crying too" I responded and Y/n put her forehead on mine "That's because I'm happy you forgive me babe" Y/n said and I felt myself blush. Then Y/n kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. I really missed her. "I really do love you Tsunade" Y/n said as she hugged me "I love you too" I said, my face bright red. Y/n kissed my neck then smirked against my skin "Oh yeah? What about being to old for me babe~" Y/n whispered "What about it?" I asked and Y/n looked at me and kissed my lips again. "You right. What about it?" Y/n asked and smiled.

I'm sorry it's short. I hope you liked it tho.

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