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Ok hear me out. Idk if I blessed you eyes or if you need bleach because of the last update. I thought sence I was writing a lemon/smut I could use a picture that suits the update. Ya know. Plus you can't lie Tsunade was looking good in that picture.

Tsunade's P.O.V

I woke up and see that Y/n wasn't in bed anymore. So I moved the blanket and got up but when I got up my legs started shaking. I started to remember what happened last night. I felt my face heat up and I blushed. I sat back down and Y/n came in my room waring just a apron. "Nice view" Y/n said as she walked over and kissed my cheek. "I made us breakfast and a hot bath love" Y/n said as she picked me up and carried me to the bathroom and set me in the tub. "I let you relax okay?" Y/n asked about to leave and I grabbed her arm. "Stay with me?" I asked. "Aww babe" Y/n said as she closed the door, took off her apron and got in the tub. "Do you want me to make you scream my name again?" Y/n asked and asked and I pulled her closer to me making her sit on my lap. "Hehe not yet. I didn't complete my job last night because you're still walking" I said then kissed her neck. "Why so quiet huh baby~" I purred in her ear "Don't hold your voice back" As I licked her neck again "T-Tsunade~ I was joking mmm~" Y/n moaned "Is that so? As much as I hate to do this we're gonna have to cut this bath short. I need to get to work" I said. "Oh yeah I forgot. Me and Kurenai sensei are gonna train today" Y/n said and I got a little upset 'She's lucky I can't walk properly 'cause if I could she would have already been a moaning mess' I thought then Y/n kissed me. "I love you babe" Y/n said "I love you too Y/n" I responded


"We should take a break here" Zen said "Already?" Gabbi asked "Yes I need a break" Zen said and Gabbi sighed "Fine" Gabbi said and sat down. "If Y/n ever got a new lover what would you do?" Zen asked "Kill them so I could have Y/n all to myself" Gabbi responded "Thought so haha." Zen said "Why do you ask?" Asked Gabbi "Just wondering" Zen replied. 'Poor Gabbi. How do I tell her that something's don't last forever? She loves Y/n a lot but Y/n doesn't feel the same way anymore. How do I tell her that her romantic relationship with Y/n is on the list of things that won't last forever? I know she'll be hurt but I also know that she never wants to make Y/n sad or despise her. And the only way to make Y/n do that is to hurt or kill someone she loves. So if Y/n is really in love with the blond woman we saw that day and Gabbi hurts or kills her, then not only her romantic relationship with Y/n is gone there friendship will be gone as well. That will cause scars so deep that they probably will never heal. For both, Gabbi and Y/n. I might be a demon but I don't want the 2 people I love to get hurt by each other's actions. It'll cause deep scars for me too." Zen thought.

Congratulations you made it to the end. I'll try to update again tonight cause this update is a little short. Otherwise that's all I gotta say. See you in the next update. Bye Y/n!"

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