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Y/n P.O.V

I'm done training with Kurenai sensei. We're going to get some food now. "What did you do yesterday Y/n?" She asked "I was home for most of the day then I challenged Tsunade to a interesting "game."" I said then smirked. "Really? Who won?" She asked "Me" I said then giggled "That's nice. It's really late I don't think any food places are open." She said "Oh well it's okay sensei I can go home it cook. I'll see you later. Bye!" I yell as I head to the Hokages building. I walk in and go to Tsunade's room. 'I'll cook for us' I thought as I entered her room going to the kitchen. "What should I cook?" I asked myself "I know I should cook F/F (favorite food) wait that's Tsunade. Okay then I should cook my second F/F." I said as I started cooking. I finished cooking and put some F/F on/in a plate/bowl for me and Tsunade. I put some white wine in a wine glass for Tsunade and for me I put some apple juice. After that I set up the table with that. Then I lit a candle so romantic. After I got done with that I washed the dishes, dried them, then put them away. After that Tsunade came in. "What the?" Tsunade asked "I made dinner babe" I said with a smile. "So go wash your hands then come eat" I said as Tsunade went go wash her hands. She came back and we sat down and started eating.

"How was your day love?" I asked "Eh, it was normal. What about you?" She asked "Mine was good me and Kurenai sensei trained and she put me in hella genjutsus but it was fun" I said smiling "This taste really good Y/n" Tsunade said (I know right. I don't mean to brag but I can make a fine bowl of cereal. Coco Puffs, Honey Bunches of Oats (my fav), Raisin Brand, Frosted Flakes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, you name it. I'll put it in a bowl and some milk and bam you got yourself some homemade cereal. Jk) "It's okay but you taste better" I said then Tsunade blushed. After we finished eating, I cleaned up, wash the dishes, then made Tsunade a bath. "Tsunade your bath is ready!" I yelled "Okay" Tsunade said then came in the bathroom naked. I almost fainted. Tsunade walked pass me and got in the tub. "Is something wrong Y/n?" Tsunade asked chuckling. I smirked "Nope but their's gonna be something wrong with you legs and the way you breathe if you do that again Tsunade" I said and Tsunade blushed. Tell me when you're done so I can take a shower ok babe." I said then left out of the bathroom. Good thing I have self control because if I didn't the whole village would be wondering why Tsunade is screaming my name. I walked in her bedroom and sat on the bed. Then I started to feel dizzy soon darkness took over.

"Hey I'm Zen and you are?" Zen asked. "I'm Tinya Dicka nice to meet you" I said and Gabbi started laughing and so did I "Just playing haha I'm Y/n!" I said and Zen started laughing "Gabbi you chose a funny one I like her" Zen said. "That's when us and Zen became the best of friends we would go to him about all our problems and he'd come to us about his. We had arguments sometimes about stupid things but we were always there for each other." My past self said "Oh that's cool but why are you telling me this?" I asked "So the friendship can continue and also the one with us and Gabbi. Zen, Gabbi, and Us, is all we all had. We all had a special bond. And never left each other's side. But then I was vanquished because I was half demon. I never did anything wrong it just happened. Now there's you. My reincarnation you should build a friendship with Zen and Gabbi so we won't be killed again. With all 3 of us we can stop the one who killed us, and we can have our friendship back."

She said "I see you want your friendship back and they do too. I don't mind making friends with them but I won't be my past self I'd be my present self. It won't be the same person." I said "Yes it would Y/n. You're the human side of us. All we need is for our soul to become one then we could all be happy even Tsunade all you have you do is give in and let our sole become one" she said and I felt Tsunade shake me. "We're out of time but once you come back you would have to give in or-" she got cut off by me waking up "Are you okay?" Tsunade asked. I looked at Tsunade and hugged her "Tsunade you'll always love me right?" I asked "Yes Y/n." Tsunade responded. 'That's good to know. That means you'll be by my side when you find out I'm half demon' I thought as I layed down with Tsunade still hugging her tight not wanting to let go. "I love you Tsunade" I said softly "I love you too Y/n" Tsunade responded.

Congratulations you made it to the end. I hope you enjoyed reading and I'll try to keep updating everyday. And I think that's all I gotta say Tsunade simps jk jk don't kill me. Otherwise I'll see you in the next update Y/n, Bye!

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