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Tsunade's P.O.V

After Kurenai left I was angry that Y/n had asked her out as I looked over to Y/n and seen that she zoned out "Y/n" I said and she didn't respond "Y/n!" I yelled as she snapped back into reality "Damnit it was just a daydream" she said "What was is about?" I asked She looked at me then paused "It was about Kurenai, I daydreamed about us making out" she said then smiled as I felt anger rush over me

Y/n P.O.V

"What was it about" she asked 'Hmmm let's see if this'll work' I thought to myself "It was about Kurenai, I had a daydream about us making out" I said with a smile on my face after that I looked at Tsunade and she looked pissed 'Yup, that the reaction I want' I thought as I walked over to Tsunade "Is something wrong Tsunade?" I asked with a confused look.

"Don't be so foolish! And stop thinking of Kurenai that way!" She yelled "But Why Tsunade? You're not jealous are you?" I asked "I'm not! Just stop being a pervert!" She yelled "Awww come on Tsunade it's not like I around doing "Research" like the sage" I said with air quotations around research "And what's that supposed to mean?" I had a familiar voice say. I looked behind me and saw Jiraiya "Wha- Jiraiya you're back?!" I said as I ran towards him and gave him a big hug.

"Haha yes but only for a little bit of time...more like to days" he said "Okay welp let's go! You can spend that time with me and Naruto" I said as I dragged him to the door "Bye Tsunade I'll come see you when Jiraiya leaves" I said as I went out the Hokages office

Tsunade's P.O.V

Y/n just left with Jiraiya but I feel angry first she had a daydream about Kurenai the left me for Jiraiya! Why couldn't she have a daydream about me instead! I slammed my hands down one the table "I know how to get her back" I said out loud "I'll wait two days to put my plan into action" I said as I took a sip of sake and got back to work.

~~~Time Skip 2 days~~~

Y/n P.O.V

Tsunade called me into her office I guess I have to go on a mission, I walked into her office and seen she sitting at her desk thinking about something "I'm here Tsunade, What do I have to do? A mission?" I asked and she looked at me "No, I called you in here so you can do training, mind training so come on" I was about to speak until Tsunade dragged me to her room 'So this is payback for the other day huh? I hate mind training!' I thought as I sat down and Tsunade sat across from me "Now get started" she said and I tried started, after that I looked up and say Tsunade then looked a little lower and see her huge boobs, I tried to look away but my eyes wouldn't retreat 'Damnit I'm getting turned on!" I thought as I could feel myself getting wet, I looked down and tried to focus on the work 'Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn' is all I thought

Tsunade's P.O.V

It look like my plan is working Y/n looks like she's having a hard time concentrating, My plan is to mess with her why she trying to concentrate 'Let's take this up a notch' I thought as I got up and lifted over the table to get something

Y/n P.O.V

As I was trying to focus Tsunade started to reach for something and so I looked up and I was face to face with her boobs 'Damnit this isn't good' I thought "Tsunade where's your bathroom? I need to use it" I said as she sat back down "Over there" she pointed in the direction of the bathroom and I got up and went


I got to the bathroom and shut the door 'Damn she so hot' I thought as I imagined her boobs in my face again 'Fuck!' I thought as I felt my pussy throb 'I can't hold back anymore' I thought as I pulled down my pants and saw my underwear they were completely soaked, I sat down took off my pants and my underwear and opened my legs I took my finger an whipped in between my folds I was really wet, I put finger on my clit and rubbed it once and I was very sensitive I rubbed a circle on my clit and covered my mouth with my other hand so no sounds could escape my mouth the I started to rub circles on my clit again but this time I didn't stop I rubbed it slowly getting faster and rougher as I got I tried holding moans back but it was impossible because I was thinking about Tsunade the whole time and my pussy was getting more sensitive every circle I made on my clit "ahh~ fuck~" I said trying to stay quiet so Tsunade couldn't here me

Tsunade's P.O.V

'Y/n been in the bathroom for a while what is she doing? Is she trying to avoid doing this work?' I thought to myself as I got up and headed to the bathroom "ahm- fu-" I heard sounds that I couldn't make out on my way they once I got there I put my ear up against the door "mmm~ ahh~ nnm~" I heard coming from the bathroom 'Is she...pleasing herself?' I thought as I listened more "ahhhhhh~ fu-fu-fu-fu-fuck~" I heard, her moans were turning me on I turned around went in my room and took off my clothes so I was only in my bra and underwear and went back to the bathroom "mmnnn~" I heard as I slowed and quietly opened the bathroom door to see Y/n running circles on her clit and her boobs bouncing her hand over her mouth and her eyes rolled in the back of her head so I slowly and quietly moved in front of her go on my knees and put my head in front of her pussy.

Y/n P.O.V

"Fuck~" I tried to keep my moans quiet until I felt my hand was moved and I felt something warm soft and wet on my pussy "ahhhhhh~!" I moaned as I looked down and seen Tsunade lick my pussy "Tsunahhh~" I tried to speak but she licked my pussy again "Shhhh" she said while her mouth still on my pussy which caused me to moan because the vibration there she licked my pussy again then started started attacking my clit by sucking on it and flicking her toung on it "ahhhhhh! mmmmnn~! fuuuuuuck~!" I moaned as my legs shaked and tried to closed them but Tsunade held them down while still attacking my clit, I never felt so much pleasure, I was a moaning mess, I felt myself about to squirt but before I could give Tsunade the warning I already did but she didn't stop she was still attacking my clit "AHHHHH~ FUCK~!" I yelled as I could feel my self about to cum and Tsunade started sucking harder and flicking her toung on my my clit, I was moaning so much I couldn't get to tell Tsunade that I was about to cum, them I came, and Tsunade licked it up and swallowed it all "You taste really good Y/n, but I'm not gonna stop until you cum as many times as I want you too and I'ma make sure that you won't be able to walk for a while" Tsunade said as she licked my neck "So let's continue" she whispered in my ear then kissed me.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed! If you did that's awesome if you didn't I'll try harder. Otherwise...I'll see you in the next update Y/n,  bye!

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