I Don't Have A Title sorry

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"Ok it's here!" A woman said "Gabbi...we left the underworld to go to some half ass dimension like this?!" A man yelled "I told you the one I love lives here Zen!" The woman now know as Gabbi said "Okay let's say that person is actually here...How the hell are we gonna find them? Huh? This dimension what is it? Dimension 2d? Dimension 2d is a split up dimension that has different places that can't even combine because of their power style and some of them don't have power! Neither of us are good with directions and we don't even know where to fucking start!" The man now known as Zen yelled "We're demons Zen I know where my love is because I can sence her demonic energy, She was my love in her past life but being half demon and have human can shorten her life but if I can find her and make her remember me we can have her full demonic side awaken I can have my love longer then the last time, and maybe kill the one who vanquished her before" Gabbi said "Let's just go and hurry up, what's the lead we have on her?" Zen asked "The land of fire in the village hidden in the leafs" Gabbi said "Ok then let's teleport there" said Zen "Yes let's go" Gabbi responded.

Y/n P.O.V

'I have my whole day planned out I go see my future wife Tsunade' I thought to myself in front of the Hokages office and opened the door "Honey I'm home I'm just playing don't kill me Tsunade" I said as I closed the door and walked to the desk "What do you want Y/n I'm a little busy" said Tsunade "You don't have to think of your wife anymore Tsunade the real thing's here" I said with a smile "Shut up Y/n" "Ok Ok...............So how was your day?" "AGHHH! You were only quite for 5 seconds!" Tsunade yelled "It looks like something's bugging you. What's wrong?" I ask "Nothing" she responded "Oh I see" I said as I smiled "Your hormones are acting up" I said as I got closer to Tsunade's ear "I can help you with that~" I whispered then moved away "SHUT UP!" Tsunade yelled as her face turned red "Hmm but you're blushing my love~" "I'M NOT!" "Okay just tell me what's wrong" "All this work is stressing me out!" She yelled "So it is your hormones?" I seen her face get red again "NO IT'S NOT!" "Yes it is! you are sexually unsatisfied" I said as I walked next to Tsunade and sat on my knees "So let me help with that~" I said as I  placed my hand on Tsunade's thigh then......two random people just popped up in her office "Who are you?!" Tsunade asked the two strangers her face still red "Aww I was so close otherwise who are you guys?" I ask "No killing Zen" the woman said "Yeah sure....WHAT WHY?!" The man named Zen yelled "Because my love doesn't like killing" the woman said "Gabbi...what makes you think I care what she like?!" Zen yelled "Just don't kill!" The woman name Gabbi yelled "That's it...GABBI, ZEN, GET TO THE POINT AND THE REASON WHY YOU'RE HERE!" I yelled "I came here for my love" Gabbi said as she looked at Tsunade. I ran in front of Tsunade as Gabbi walked closer "She's mine this is my wife" I said to Gabbi "Haha you're as silly as always Y/n I was talking about you" said Gabbi "Oh well sorry Gabbi but I don't remember you hehe" I said as I rubbed my neck "I know sadly, I am your past life lover" Gabbi said "Enough talk" Tsunade said as she rushed in trying to punch Gabbi "Tsunade wait!" "What is it Y/n?" "I don't sence any chakra from them" "You're right" "That means they have unknown power, we know they're not defenseless because they teleported here, What kinda of power do you have?" "You're still as sharp as always Y/n we're not from here love we're not even from your dimension" Gabbi explained "Dimension? What do you mean?" I asked "Me and Zen are from the underworld" Gabbi said "So you don't want my wife?" I ask "Wife? You're married?" Gabbi asked "Not yet" I responded "So you're dating her?" Gabbi asked "Sadly no but I'm close" I said then next thing I knew I was pinned to the wall by Gabbi "Woah you're fast" I said "Thanks love but me and my partner here took a while looking for you and we finally found you so we're gonna take you by your own will or by force I'll give you a day to decide" Gabbi said "But I d-" I got cut off from her lips on mine. I tried getting my arm lose so I could push her away but she is strong "Get a room!" I heard Zen yell then she stopped kissing me "That's a good Idea" Gabbi said. I looked at Tsunade and see that she was about take action "Tsunade don't you have to wait" I said as I seen she calmed down "That was a joke I won't allow you to take her to a room and fuck her senseless" said Zen "Why?" Gabbi asked "Because I don't wanna hear it now let's go!" Zen yelled "Her voice is awesome. I remember her screaming my name in pleasure" Gabbi said as she looked at me "I know her voice is amazing I heard her talk but if we don't leave now I'm gonna take her and fuck her senseless" Zen said as he smiled "Over my dead body I'll kill you before you could try" said Gabbi "Is that a challenge for her?" Asked Zen "No" Gabbi said as she walked back over to Zen "Let's leave now. I'll be back to take you tomorrow love and maybe even fuck you senseless" Gabbi said with a smile "Or I could do it?" Zen said while smiling "Shut up Zen otherwise you'll remember some of your past life memories when I leave Y/n, Bye!" She said and her and Zen dissapeared "That was weird huh Tsunade?" I said as I turned to her and she looked mad "Hormones huh?" I said with a grin "NO Y/N!" she yelled I laughed as I started to feel dizzy "Tsunade do you feel dizzy too?" I asked "What are you talking about Y/n?" Tsunade asked but before I could answer I fell "Y/n!" I heard Tsunade yell then I blacked out "If you want to wake up before tomorrow all you have to do is give into the memories from your past life" I heard a voice say "Fine I'll do it" I said "Very well then" the voice said as I started to remember things from my past life 'I...I was a demon?!' I thought "Yes and we still are" The voice I now found out to be mine said.

To be continued hehehe...It gets better I promise ^^

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