Title? Never Heard Of It.

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Tsunade's P.O.V

"You're answer depends on my next move Tsunade~" Y/n said. I want Y/n. I want her really bad. "I'm okay with it. Just continue please" I begged "Your wish is my command babe" Y/n said and kissed me. I kissed back. Then she licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gave it to her. I opened my mouth and her tongue explored my mouth as she moved the blanket and started unbuttoning my shirt. After she done that I sat up so she could take my shirt off. I layed back down breaking the heated kiss because we needed air "I finally get to make you scream my name Tsunade~" Y/n purred in my ear. She moved down licking in between my breast all the way to my neck "Mmm~" I let out a soft moan. Y/n looked at me "Are you sure you want to do this Tsunade~? Be wise about your decision because I'll make make sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow baby~" I felt myself get turned on even more.

I smirked "Watch what you say Y/n. Or you might end up not walking tomorrow~" I said as I flipped us over I was now on top of Y/n. "Is that a challenge babe?" Y/n asked. I moved closer to her face "It can be. I'll win tho" I said as I kissed Y/n's neck "Mmn~" I heard Y/n moan "Are you sensitive here? Hehe good" I said as I licked Y/n's neck and started kissing, and sucking on in. "Y-You found a w-weak point nice babe. But I'll make you moan my name first~" Y/n said and she unhooked my bra and squeezed my boobs and licked my nipple on my right breast "Ahh~" I moaned "These are mine right and you're neck and soon your whole body. I'll clame you as mine babe." Y/n said as she started sucking on my nipples "Ngh~" I moaned and leaned back then Y/n pushed me back pinning me to the bottom of the bed. "I wanna hear that sexy voice of yours more. I think I know how to make that happen~"

Y/n P.O.V

I looked at Tsunade's pants and licked my lips "You'll be screaming my name soon babe" I whispered in Tsunade's ear then licked her cheek. She blushed a little as I slid my hands down removing her pants "It's a nice view I have here" I said then Tsunade pulled me down and took of my shirt. "Same here Y/n." Tsunade said as she kissed my boobs. I felt my face heat up. I took Tsunade's arms and pinned them above her head. Then I opened her legs and put my knee there "Looks like I have control huh babe?" I said and seen Tsunade trying to hold back her voice. "Don't hold back. I wanna hear you moan my name babe~" I said and started to move my knees softly against Tsunade's pussy. "Nmmm~ stop teasing mmm~" Tsunade moaned "Okay Tsunade I'll stop teasing. All you have to do is moan my name Tsunade~" I purred pressing my knees harder against her wet core.

"Ahh~ Y/n~" she moaned "Good now time to make sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow" I said as I moved down and removed Tsunade's panties. And licked her pussy "Ahhh~" she moaned "Once I start I'm not gonna stop ok Tsunade?" I asked but before she could responded I started devouring her. "Ahhhhhh~!" She moaned as I was sucking and flicking my tongue on her clit. "Mmm" I hummed to create vibrations. "Ahh Y/n fuck~" Tsunade moaned and I felt myself get turned on. "I-Im close Y/n~" Tsunade moaned "hmmm" I hummed in response creating vibrations "Fuck!" Tsunade yelled. Then she came in my mouth. I swallowed it all. "You taste really good babe" I said then licked my lips. I looked at Tsunade and seen her legs were shaking. I chuckled "Your legs okay babe?" I asked and smirked.

Then I was pinned to the bed "My turn Y/n~" Tsunade purred in my ear as she removed my pants "I'll make sure you can't walk either" Tsunade said as she removed my panties and placed her hand on my clit "Your really wet and I didn't even start yet" Tsunade said as she started rubbing on my clit. "Mmm~" I moaned. Tsunade started to run harder and faster. "Ahh Tsunade~" I moaned and Tsunade started to choke me. "Already moaning my name?" Tsunade asked as her hand got faster and she started sucking on my neck "Sence you claimed me I have to claim you too right baby~?" She purred in my ear and moved down and licked my pussy "Time for me to claim you completely" Tsunade said as she started to attack my clit. She started sucking, licking, and humming to create vibrations. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, my tongue was out and I was a moaning mess.

I felt myself getting close to my climax. "T-Tsunade I'm close mmm~" I moaned and Tsunade started sucking harder and started humming more. "AHH FUCK!" I yelled and came in Tsunade's mouth. "Look whose legs are shaking now" Tsunade said "Haha you can't talk yours still are" I responded and Tsunade blushed. I sat up hugged Tsunade and layed us down. She grabbed the blanket and put it over us. I looked at her and kissed her forehead, her nose, then her lips. She kissed back. We broke the kiss and I layed on her exposed chest. "I won" I said with a smile "You win this time but not next time Y/n" Tsunade said blushing. "Maybe then I'll fuck you to sleep?" I asked. "It'll be the other way around" Tsunade said and I giggled. "I really do love you Y/n" Tsunade said "I love you too Tsunade" I responded. She kissed my cheek "I'm glad" she said. We cuddled together naked under a blanket then dosed off to sleep.

Congratulations! You made it to the end. I think I did bad on this update ngl but aye I could be wrong. I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next update. Bye Y/n!

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