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Y/n P.O.V

"'am...I have an idea" I said as I was sitting on the Hokages desk "What is it Y/n?" She asked "If I can't stop Naruto from bothering you the whole have to kiss me" I said with a smile 'This has to work' I thought to myself. "Forget about it" she said as I anime fell "Oh come on! Please please please" "No" "Please?" "NO" Please?" "Fine" "Yay, you won't see Naruto for the whole day hehe" I said as I ran out the door then left to find Naruto. I thought of an easy way to make sure Naruto dosen't bother Tsunade. I'd just tell him I'll set him up on a date with Sakura.

Naruto's P.O.V

I was on my way to granny Tsunade's office but when I turned the corner I ran into someone "Ouch" I heard a familiar voice say so I looked down and and I seen Y/n "Hehe my bad Y/n are you okay" I said as I helped her up "Yeah I'm fine, otherwise I was looking for you" she said "Oh so what do you need?" I asked "Do you want to go on a date with Sakura?" She asked. I felt myself blush "If so I can make it happen all you have to do is one thing" she said "What is it?" I asked "All you have to do is leave Tsunade alone for today if you can do that you get your date Naruto" she said "Okay I'll leave granny Tsunade alone today" I said as I turned around "See ya later Y/n!" I said as I started to run off  "Bye Naruto" she responded 'Yes! I can have a date with Sakura tomorrow!' I thought exactly.

Y/n P.O.V

'That was easy hehe' I thought as I walked back to the Hokages office knowing Naruto won't be annoying Tsunade today. All I have to do is wait until today is over to get my kiss from her. I can't wait! I wonder what her lips would feel like.

Tsunade's P.O.V

'It's almost 12AM and Naruto haven't bothered me that means soon Y/n is gonna come through the door' I thought to my self then the door flew open "hehehe 1 minute until midnight. A midnight kiss it's so romantic right Tsunade?" Y/n said closing the door and walking to my desk I sighed "Yay! Naruto officially haven't bothered you all day...c-can I get my kiss now?" Y/n said I got up from my desk walked over to Y/n moved closer to her face and kissed her cheek I looked into her eyes and she looked mad "Is something wrong?" I asked "No" she responded with a straight face trying to hold her anger in "I leave now see you later Tsunade" she said as she was about to leave as I grabbed her arm and chuckled "It looks like I missed" I said as I pulled Y/n over to me grabbed her face and kissed her lips then I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance she opened her mouth and both of our tongues were fighting for dominance I won and was about to do more until someone knocked on my door. I broke the kiss let go of Y/n and went back to my desk "Come in" I said as the door opened it was Kurenai "Lady Tsunade have you seen Y/n anywhere?" She asked "I'm right here" Y/n said a little embarrassed from the kiss "I wanted to know if you wanted to get lunch with me tomorrow" Kurenai said 'Say no' I thought but I didn't know why "Yeah sure" she responded "Ok then let's go and see where we should go" Kurenai said "Ok" Y/n responded "B-Bye Tsunade" Y/n said then left. 'Why did Kurenai have to come now?' I thought as I slammed my hand on the desk 'I hate to admit but I want Y/n to myself'

I hope you enjoyed :)

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