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Unknowns P.O.V

"I can't do it" I said to the underworld leader "WHAT?! WHY?!" I have to think of an excuse "Because I retired from this years ago. And my partner- former partner is still murdering demons why can't she do it?" I asked "Because it'll take her a month and a half to get back there." He responded 'Good. That gives me enough time to save her' I thought "Listen old man! I said I retired from doing this shit years ago! I don't need no fresh blood on my hands! Do you know how many times I almost gotten killed?!" I yelled. "But you didn't! And everytime you almost gotten killed I healed you! You can do this for me again! This is the my last request to you. Please just...kill her for good...I don't need her distracting them anymore." He said "Listen...you know this as much as I know I do. You know that you kill her easily but you don't. Why? I don't know, and I don't wanna know. But what I do know is that I'm done with killing demons. Good or Evil I'm done. Listen you have been have been a good partner over the pass years but some things come to an end okay? Just like my career of killing demons. And also our partner ship. If you want someone to do your dirty work then pick someone else. Please don't contact me anymore Balthazar. Goodbye." I said as I walk out of his office "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! YOU KNOW WHAT FORGET IT! ONCE I HAVE HER KILLED YOU'RE NEXT! YOU HEAR ME TSUNADE?! YOU'RE NEXT!" He yelled as I walked from the underworld and teleported home.

I took of my shoes and layed on my bed. 'Y/n...She's a demon? Not just that she's a reincarnation of the demon I killed years ago. I...I killed the person I love before. And now she's gonna be killed again and I don't know how to stop it.' I thought. I heard a thud and looked over to see Y/n on the floor. "Ouch! I was aiming for the bed!" She yelled and got up. "Hey babe! I went to the Hokages office but I didn't see you so I came here. Are you sick?" She asked touching my forehead. I blushed and turned around "I'm fine" I said. "You sure? You look tired babe" Y/n said as she got in the bed and hugged me. When she hugged me I started to feel guilty. I took her life away once and she's treating me like I did nothing wrong. She's in danger and she doesn't even no it. "Let go Y/n" I said and she shaked her head. "Nope. I had a long day and I want to spend time with you. Plus you look stressed. I can help you with that babe~" Y/n said but before I could say anything she had my hands pinned above my head. "No objections baby" She said then kissed me. I tried not to kiss back but I failed. I kissed her back and I felt her free hand go under my shirt and she unhooked my bra then threw it somewhere. She broke the kiss and I gasped for air and she went straight to my neck and started kissing and sucking on it. I tried to cover my mouth so I wouldn't moan but she had my hands pinned so I bit my lip trying not to let an hurt moans escape. "Come on babe. Let me hear you're voice" she said as she slid her hand down and touched my clothed core. "Ahh~" I moaned and Y/n removed her hand and unpinned my hands. "Damn. You're safe once again Tsunade. I have to go train now but I'll be back" Y/n said and pecked my lips "I love you babe" she said with a smile then teleported. Damn Y/n! She left me sexual excited!

Y/n P.O.V

"I'm here. What's up?" I asked looking at Zen and Gabbi. "It's time for us to teach you how to use your demonic energy as armor" Gabbi said pulling me to the floor with her and Zen. "Close you eyes and focus all your demonic energy around yourself. Once you do that try to keep it there" Zen said "Okay" I responded and closed my eyes 'Come on Y/n. We need to protect Tsunade.' I thought as I started to concentrate on my demonic energy.

Congratulations! You made it to the end! I hope you enjoyed reading and sorry it took me so long to update ^^; please don't kill me. Otherwise that's all I gotta say and Yeah. I'll see you next update. Bye Y/n!

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