I'm So Broke I Ran Outta Titles

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Who's your favorit? Be honest.

Zen's P.O.V

It's been a week since me a Gabbi started training Y/n and like before she's a fast learner. "You ready?" I asked "Yeah" Y/n said then I teleported behind her her. She jumped to the side and turned around and started running towards me. I was about to teleport but she tried to punch me I blocked but still got pushed back from the impact. She teleported behind me so I grabbed her arm and I threw her over my shoulder she landed on her feet but I used to much force and sent her underground. She teleported again and had a ball of blue light in her hand. 'What is that?' I thought and then the blue ball turned midnight blue. Before I could dodge it she quickened her pace and hit me with it. "Ahh" I groaned in pain as I flew back into the metal wall "What the hell was that?!" Gabbi asked "A Rasengan demonic style. I mixed my chakra with my demonic energy and bam! I win for the first time!" Y/n yelled in excitement.

"That must be hella powerful if it sent Zen flying" Gabbi said. I teleported next to her "Y/n that hurt~" I whined "Sorry" Y/n said "Aye but now that I think about it when you mixed your demonic energy with your chakra it can be hella useful if we have to face the person who vanquished you" I said "Do that more often and you might surpass us and become stronger than our boss" Gabbi added "Thanks guys" Y/n said and hugged us. A dude with white hair just popped up "Y/n- Who are they?" The white haired male asked "Jiraiya hey! These are my friends Zen and Gabbi" Y/n introduced "Why dose those names sound so familiar? Otherwise I found out that the "Demon killer" will be here in a month and a half so you should start training okay?" He asked "I already started Pervy sage" Y/n responded and I started to laugh wit Gabbi "I told you not to call me that!" He scolded "Oh yeah sorry Jiraiya" Y/n said. I started to stop laughing. Y/n and Jiraiya started talking until he left. Y/n turned to us with a serious face "We should finish training. We're almost out of time." She said and we nodded.


Unknowns P.O.V

I got a message that said to kill the one I vanquished last time for good. I thought I told him that I don't do this anymore! Otherwise it's the last thing I have to do. I walk down the path way of the underworld to go see my old "friend" and find out the girls name that I have to kill for good. Last time I killed her I  seen a picture so I didn't need her name but now she looks different so I need it now. He said that she lives where I am but if she did I would have felt her energy. Once I got there I opened the door to see him killing one of the demons. "I'm here." I said and he looked at me. "Good. It's nice to see you again" he said with a smile "Cut the friendly talk bullshit. I came here to work not a good time now tell me why you need me to kill her." I said and he stopped smiling "She's distracting the two most powerful demons in the underworld. Gabbi and Zen are legendary and feared but when that girl comes around they're distracted and soft!" He yelled "Same reason as last time huh? Okay" I said. "Show me what she looks like and tell me her name." I said then he handed me a picture and said "Her name is Y/n L/n" he said and I looked at the picture and felt my heart drop 'How can this be possible'

Congratulations you made it to the end. My favorite sannin has to be Jiraiya. Even tho he can be a pervert I like his fighting style. Plus he's funny. And I think that this story is gonna end soon. Yes you read that right you FAVORITE (or not) Tsunade x Fem reader story is coming to and end. Sad I know. Otherwise I hope you enjoyed reading and Yeah that's all I  gotta say. See you in the next update. Bye Y/n!

Damn...I just realized I'm gonna have to say "Bye Y/n!" For good one day. Oof-

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