~ Chapter Nineteen ~ (BONUS)

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I found a chapter that I didn't think I'd ever find, it was on my old hardrive - I thought I'd lost it! I thought it was cute so feel free to have it!

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"A relationship does not need to be perfect, you just need to be happy together."

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As usual, Platform 9 and ¾ was in total chaos. Children were racing around, hugging their families and chasing their pets. There was so much noise, it was hard to hear the yells of your three teenage children as they called out for you. Harry and Ginny Potter were struggling to locate James, Albus and Lily over the heads of many bubbly Hogwarts students.

When they dashed into sight of their parents, Ginny Weasley barely had a chance to embrace her youngest son. Seconds later, her hand was grabbed and she was pulled away from the rest of her family.

"Mum, can you come talk to Mr Malfoy, please? Can Scorpius come stay with us over the summer holidays?" Albus pleaded. Ginny chuckled and quickened her pace as it clearly meant a lot to her son. Knowing how quickly Malfoy's tended to leave the place, she knew that there was a rush to locate the duo.

When the blonds were spotted, Scorpius' face lit up. He hadn't been expecting to see his lover so soon, as they'd just shared a meaningful goodbye on the train. Nothing out of the ordinary, however, just some tears and many hugs.

"I thought holidays would be longer than a few minutes." He smiled at his friend, watching as the adults parents fell into polite discussion.

"How can I give you attention without looking like I'm hitting on you?" Albus wondered aloud, resting his arm on his best friend's shoulder in a familiar fashion. The smiles were hard to wipe off their faces, there wasn't a need for them too. "This works, I guess."

"You're my boyfriend, you're allowed to hit on me. Besides, who cares?" Scorpius asked, frowning as his lover dodged a kiss to the cheek.

"My stupid father, I still haven't told him... remember?"

"Don't call him stupid, Albus."

"He is— hey!" Albus growled, breaking off his speech to aim a kick at a small boy vandalising his boyfriend's trunk. "Get lost!"

The boy raced off immediately, back into the arms of his mother who didn't appear to have noticed how disrespectful her son was being. Scorpius raised his eyebrows at the brunet but didn't open his mouth to question it. Despite it being unnecessary, it had meant a lot to him. He was still getting used to the knowledge he was cared about so much, especially by the boy who meant more than the world to him.

"If he does it again, I'll kill him."

"Al, he's probably eight! You've done enough, really." Scorpius smiled, ruffling the messy hair on his friend's head, "It's Polly Chapman's little brother, she probably encouraged it."

Albus nodded and sighed, admitting Scorpius was a better person than he was. He dropped his arm off the boy's shoulders, enclosing his fingers on his boyfriend's wrist.

"Mum, I'm taking Scorpius to come say goodbye to James and Lily."

Ginny nodded at her son, smiling at the boys before they disappeared from her sight. She was still in deep conversation with the Malfoy, who wasn't convinced Scorpius should stay over again.

The blond smiled, almost jumping with excitement. He considered his boyfriend's family to be his best friends. He would miss them over the holidays, that's for certain. Although, he was quite frightened to be in Harry's presence, as the man didn't like him, but he knew he had nothing to be afraid of. The boys weaved their way through the crowd, spotting the brunet's family was a hard task.

"Where's Mum?" Lily asked her father, dropping her trunk at his feet.

"Asking Malfoy if Scorpius can stay over during the summer holidays, because your brother insisted." Harry snapped, bitterness clear in his tone. Despite this, James grinned.

"Yes!" He cheered, happy to have the hilarious blond in his house for a week or two. Scorpius was such a laugh, he'd miss the jokes that sprouted from the boy randomly while they were apart.

"Can he dad, please? I love Scorpius, he's brilliant!" Lily smiled, turning once she heard her brother's voice.

"He's glad to hear that, I'm sure." Albus smiled. He let go of his boyfriend's wrist, smiling. The trio knew he was attempting to prove a point to his father, it was working exceptionally well.

"I heard you're coming to stay with us over the holidays." James smiled, leaning on Scorpius' shoulder the same way Albus had moments before. However, it was harder as Scorpius was almost as tall as him.

"I sure hope so!"

"Thank goodness! I was scared I wouldn't have anyone to tease Albus with, Lily's fun but sometimes she's too nice." James stage whispered, looking between the teenage duo with a smirk.

"Hey!" Lily and Albus chorused, but Albus sighed with a smile. Even if this was what he had to put up with — although he didn't care, he would just be happy to see Scorpius.

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