~ Chapter Nine ~

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"It's sad and ironic that some of the kindest people in life are always the most mistreated."

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Dear Dad,

School is getting intense! It's not exam season yet but our Professors are setting us more homework than ever! Luckily, I'm still able to get through all of it on time. I started reading the book you gave to me for Christmas, it's brilliant!

I'm still being teased by other students, but I'm alright. They tend to leave me alone if I don't react, which is what I've started to do. I know it's what you've been telling me to do all along, so you were right, if that is what you want to hear.

There's actually something I have to tell you, which is why I'm writing this a letter. You may already know, as many people around me have told me these things can be quite obvious. I'm bisexual. I was going to tell you over Christmas break, but I still wasn't ready. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this in person, I hope you understand.
I'm sorry if I've disappointed you, but I'm proud to say that this is who I am.
I can't wait to see you next holidays, I miss you so much!


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Albus scratched his quill across a scrap of parchment in front of him. He was playing a game of naughts and crosses with the Hufflepuff girl beside him during History of Magic. Scorpius found it incredibly childish, but also adorable, so he chose not to say anything. He shared a disapproving look with Rose, who didn't agree Albus should be playing games during the class he was failing.

She couldn't say anything, so continued writing notes. Albus would come to beg her for them later, she knew this. Only if Scorpius decided he didn't want to help his friend; which, she realised bitterly, was unlikely.

However, even Scorpius was struggling to pay attention to the lesson. He was still worried about the letter he'd send to his father that morning. He'd been incredibly nervous for his father's reaction, hoping that he would understand what Scorpius was trying to tell him. He'd been helped, surprisingly by Lily Potter, who had offered her input over her chicken during lunch the previous day. She reassured him it was alright and that he hadn't done anything wrong, but that didn't completely erase all of his fears.

No matter how hard he tried to concentrate, he was struggling. He couldn't get the many possible reactions from his father from his mind, completely disregarding the fact the man most likely hadn't even received the letter yet.

A small, clumsily folded crane landed on his desk and he took a moment to glance at Albus before unfolding it. The girl he was goofing off with appeared to be drawing up a new table to continue their games, giving Albus time to check on his friend. His behaviour was concerning the brunet, who couldn't remember a lesson where Scorpius didn't have five pages of notes already.

'You okay?'

His eyes met the concerned green ones beside him and he contemplated an answer before writing a response.

'I think so, I just need to talk to you after class.'

He was unable to do any origami other than a poorly made plane, so he crumpled the parchment in his hand and leant across the table to hand it back to his friend. As usual, their professor didn't care enough to call on him for it.

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