~ Chapter One ~

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Editing increased the word count by around 500 words, sorry that it's now incredibly long!

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"When someone makes you the happiest person and the saddest person at the same time, that's when it's real."

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"Good evening, Albus." Scorpius smiled as he slid into a seat beside his best friend. It was now hours after Scorpius had crashed into the boy whilst crying and Albus had been worrying ever since. The Potter almost spat out his potatoes in his haste to respond, his eyes wide with surprise and panic. Scorpius, seeing this, chuckled before piling food on his plate. Albus felt his heart calming, Scorpius' laugh was his favourite sound in the world.

He was glad it had returned.

"Hey, Scorp! Feeling better?" Albus asked quietly, putting his hand on his best friend' shoulder for comfort. He was unsure if he was reassuring Scorpius he was there, or himself that his best friend was okay.

Their eyes met, Albus almost melted with happiness. He could tell in an instant that Scorpius was back to his usual, bubbly self. His sterling grey eyes were glittering with happiness and wonder. The blond always seemed to have positivity radiating off of him despite how horribly he was treated. Albus thought that was beautiful but so incredibly sad.

"Yes, I am," Scorpius responded, his cheeks flushing rather pink in embarrassment, he hated talking about his feelings with anyone, especially Albus. He didn't care if it was just to check he was alright, it still made him embarrassed. "Thanks for asking me." He added quietly, grateful his friend was looking out for him.

"No problem, mate." Albus grinned in response to Scorpius' smile. "I'm here if you need someone to talk to, alright?" The blond nudged his friend's shoulder playfully with a smile.

Albus knew his friend understood, so he dropped the subject.

The brunet knew that Scorpius often struggled to believe people cared about him. After all, his mother had been the only person to ever made him truly happy. With a comforting smile, Albus continued to eat his potatoes.

The blond watched his friend out of the corner of his eye, nothing but pure love and admiration in them. Albus hadn't noticed, obviously. How was he to know he was being stared at like he was the only thing that mattered? He was far too oblivious.

He was far too oblivious to know Scorpius Malfoy thought of him as the whole world. He was far too oblivious to notice every time Albus was with Scorpius the blond found life's purpose. He was far too oblivious to notice Scorpius was head over heels in love with him, but the blond didn't mind.

Scorpius still remembered the first time he realized he was in love with Albus Potter. The duo had been running from Albus' brother, James, who has been chasing his younger sibling with a pack of angry Gryffindors.

Albus had stopped behind the tapestry and burst out laughing."We'd make great athletes with all the running we do, I could beat Usain Bolt." He'd wheezed, breathless from laughter and exhaustion. Despite not knowing who the person was, Scorpius had laughed alongside his friend.

The feeling has slapped him in the face, stinging with a strange pain that stung and healed simultaneously. Scorpius' whole world had turned upside down in an instant, he'd fallen for his best friend for seemingly no reason at all. He knew he'd been denying his feelings, but they'd never been so obvious.

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