~ Chapter Six ~

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Lots of time skipping, but overall a relaxed chapter. Lots of Weasley family fluff because it was so fun to write. Enjoy! Also yeah the edit's crap I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyy <3

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Goodbyes are only painful if you know you'll never say hello again."

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"He asked you on a date?"


"This is a problem... because?"

"I think I like him, Rose!"

"That decreases the reason for an issue!"

Rose couldn't pretend she wasn't incredibly amused by her friend's reaction to being asked out. The result was hilarious, especially because Rose didn't see why it was a problem. He was speaking rather quickly, this meant it was hard to make out what Scorpius was saying. He was stressed; he hadn't had a chance yet to ramble to his new beloved friend about what had happened the day before.

The blond groaned and threw himself further back into his seat, awaiting the arrival of the three Potter children. They were currently occupying compartments of the Hogwarts Express and were zooming towards Kings Cross Station for the Christmas holidays. The trio had fled to find the trolley witch.

"Don't say anything to the others, please."

The ginger giggled, promising the boy to keep it a secret for as long as she could.

"Oi, Scorpy, Catch!" Albus said after throwing open the squeaky compartment door, eager to give his friend the sweets he'd just purchased. Scorpius looked up at his friend, smiling instantly. He held up his hands to catch and it soared into the tips of his fingers.

"Thanks, Al!" He beamed, instantly sliding over in his seat to give the Potters a place.

Albus seated himself next to Scorpius, chewing on a half-melted chocolate frog as he did. James threw his brother a distasteful stare and bit the head of his wriggling frog, smiling at his emotionless little sister with a gentle smile.

"It'll be alright, Lils," Scorpius said, now seated between the girl and her hyperactive older brother. Lily nodded and wiped her eyes, shoving some every-flavour beans into her mouth, chewing sadly.

Lily Potter had been broken up with an hour previous when her boyfriend decided she wasn't good enough for him. A lot of effort had been put into consoling the heartbroken teen, who had convinced herself that she lost the love of her life.

"Everything happens for a reason, sis." Albus chimed in, stealing a handful of her beans after affectionately patting her shoulder from behind Scorpius' back.

The blonde almost wished Albus wouldn't move his arm, but moments later it was retracted as the brunet tipped his head back and threw all of the small, disgusting beans into his mouth.

"Attractive," Scorpius stated, watching the boy's disgusting array of poor manners. Albus coughed on the sweets moments later, his face glowing red from his crush's heart-stopping insult.

Rose rolled her eyes playfully at the duo to James, who winked at his cousin in return. A silent agreement had passed through everyone in the compartment concerning the new budding relationship: not to mention the confusing behaviour between Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. Nobody wanted to be responsible for the loss of a friendship if something went wrong, they all wanted the pair to work their relationship out on their own.

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