~ Chapter Two ~

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TW: Homophobic Slurs are used in this chapter, please be careful and don't read if affected xx

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"Meeting you was fate, being your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was accidental."

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"Hey, Scorpius, catch this!" Albus laughed as he threw a large snowball at his friend. Scorpius turned instantly, attempting to catch the flying mass of ice. It flew through his fingers and hit his pink face, causing Albus to roar with laughter. Scorpius wiped the powdery substance from his face and faked a disapproving glare. "You missed, I'll have to throw another one."

The Potter grinned and threw another handful of snow in Scorpius' direction. The blond dodged the mass soaring towards him and allowed himself to laugh, pegging another ball in his friend's direction. Sadly, Albus caught it and threw it back.

"How aren't you cold?" Albus asked, rubbing his arms quickly in an attempt to warm himself up. Scorpius glanced at his incredibly under-dressed friend, eyeing his t-shirt and jeans. He'd warned Albus it was the middle of winter. He'd advised for his crush to bring a jumper, but the boy had claimed he didn't need one.

"Coats and jumpers." Scorpius smiled, turning around to face Albus, as he was further up the hill. "Y'know, like I told you to bring?"

"You're so smart, Scorpy!" The raven-haired boy grinned sarcastically, his smile childlike. Scorpius flushed at the dorky nickname, it brought so many butterflies to his stomach he began to feel quite sick. He turned around once more and took a deep breath.

"Thanks, dork!" Scorpius called over his shoulder. He was grateful Albus couldn't see the colour of his face anymore. It seemed Scorpius was falling deeper in love with Albus as the seconds passed on and he knew that wasn't a good thing.

Albus chuckled, racing to catch up to his best friend. He reached out, hugging the Malfoy from behind. Immediately, he raised Scorpius into the air and dumped him into the snow with a mischievous glint in his eye. Scorpius spluttered and wiped ice from his face in shock. It had all happened so fast, he was still trying to gather himself.

"Albus Severus Potter! How dare you do that to your best friend?"

Albus' face was red with laughter, it was so humourous his chuckles were silent. It still made Scorpius happier than anything else ever could.

Feigning anger, Scorpius rose to his feet and dusted himself off.

"Come apologize when you're ready to take responsibility for your mistake, Potter!" The blond boy marched off in front of Albus, who started laughing even harder at Scorpius' comeback.

The brunet continued to chase his best friend up the hill, slinging his arm across the blond's shoulders when he drew level with him.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, I am deeply sorry for my mistake and vow to never throw you into the snow again," Albus said, giggling throughout his apology. "Next time it'll be the lake," He added, huffing childishly.

Scorpius couldn't help but chuckle, smiling at his raven-haired friend.

"I think not, but I guess I forgive you." Scorpius ruffled the mess of hair on his friend's head. "I love you, Albus," Scorpius whispered after a moment, scared that someone would hear those words and take them the wrong way.

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